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Radar climatology of hail storms in and near northeastern Colorado: 15 May - 31 July 1962 with comparative data for 1961

dc.contributor.authorSchleusener, Richard A., author
dc.contributor.authorHenderson, Thomas J., author
dc.contributor.authorCivil Engineering Section, Colorado State University, publisher
dc.descriptionNovember 1962.
dc.descriptionPrepared for the Crop-Hail Insurance Actuarial Association.
dc.descriptionReport of research supported by National Science Foundation and Crop-Hail Insurance Actuarial Association.
dc.description.abstractData are presented on the origin and track of hail producing precipitation cells during the period 15 May - 1 August 1961. The data from 1962 tend to confirm the preliminary results from 1961 which indicated a general change in storm movement from the west or southwest in May and June to a direction of movement from the northwest in July. A scattering of hail risks perpendicular to these directions would appear to be advantageous. These data provide a substantial beginning in determining the climatology of hailstorms in the High Plains region. With confirming data from years of less intense hail activity, application can be made to problems of insurance premium rating. The data in this report are being used in development of plans for attempts at beneficial modification of hailstorms.
dc.description.sponsorshipUnder grant NSF G-23706.
dc.format.mediumtechnical reports
dc.publisherColorado State University. Libraries
dc.relationCatalog record number (MMS ID): 991011864509703361
dc.relation.ispartofCivil Engineering Reports
dc.relation.ispartofCER, 62-79
dc.rightsCopyright and other restrictions may apply. User is responsible for compliance with all applicable laws. For information about copyright law, please see https://libguides.colostate.edu/copyright.
dc.subject.lcshHail -- Colorado
dc.titleRadar climatology of hail storms in and near northeastern Colorado: 15 May - 31 July 1962 with comparative data for 1961
dcterms.rights.dplaThis Item is protected by copyright and/or related rights (https://rightsstatements.org/vocab/InC/1.0/). You are free to use this Item in any way that is permitted by the copyright and related rights legislation that applies to your use. For other uses you need to obtain permission from the rights-holder(s).


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