Civil Engineering Reports
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From 1947 to 1996, the Colorado State University Department of Civil Engineering issued reprints of engineering papers, bulletins, and documents as the series Civil Engineering Reports. University faculty and students authored most reports, and the department assigned report numbers in order of acquisition for each year. The series grew to more than 2,000 reports, of which nearly 1,300 are available in this digital collection.
Other CERs may be found in Mountain Scholar - Archives and Special Collections and in the Groundwater Data Collection.
Recent Submissions
Item Open Access Sites for wind-power installations: wind characteristics over ridges. Part I(Colorado State University. Libraries, 1978-06) Bouwmeester, R. J. B., author; Meroney, R. N., author; Sandborn, V. A., author; Fluid Dynamics and Diffusion Laboratory, Department of Civil Engineering, Colorado State University, publisherItem Open Access Physical and numerical modeling to evaluate ASD exhaust design for acceptable re-entrainment and dispersion in houses: final report(Colorado State University. Libraries, 1994-03) Neff, David E., author; Meroney, Robert N., author; El-Badry, Hesham, author; Department of Civil Engineering, Colorado State University, publisherItem Open Access Dispersion of vapor from LNG spills at Green Point Energy Center: simulation in a wind tunnel(Colorado State University. Libraries, 1980-06) Kothari, K. M., author; Meroney, R. N., author; Fluid Dynamics and Diffusion Laboratory, Department of Civil Engineering, Colorado State University, publisherItem Open Access Compound strip method for the analysis of continuous elastic plates(Colorado State University. Libraries, 1983-10) Puckett, Jay A., author; Gutkowski, Richard M., author; Colorado State University. Civil Engineering Department, publisherA finite strip method (FSM) is developed for the analysis of Iinear elastic flat plate systems which are continuous over deflecting supports. The approach presented incorporates the effect of the support elements in a direct stiffness methodology. The stiffness contribution of the support elements have been derived and are given In the form of strip matrices which are directly added to the plate strip stiffness matrix at the element level. This summation of plate and support stiffness contributions constitutes a substructure which is termed a compound strip. The validity of the compound strip method is demonstrated in several illustratlve problems which include single and muitlpanel plates continuous over flexible and rigid beams and columns. The FSM and finite element method (FEM) compare favorably for displacement and moment. The rate of convergence of the compound strip method was studied and results are given for a continuous multipanel system. The FSM is shown to be computationally more efficient than the FEM when maximum values for moment or deflection are required. The FEM exhibits favorable convergence characteristics in locations where the magnitudes of displacement and moment are relatively small.Item Open Access Nondestructive evaluation of wood properties by stress wave spectral analysis(Colorado State University. Libraries, 1982-11) Shaler, Stephen M., author; Bodig, Jozsef, author; Histand, Michael B., author; Colorado State University. Civil Engineering Department, publisherThe influence of selected properties on the propagation of stress waves in wood was investigated. Waveform analysis of the stress waves was performed using spectral analysis techhniques developed for stationary random processes. Information analyzed from the stress waves included wave velocity, energy spectra, and the frequency response function. Three wood properties investigated as to their influence on stress waves propagation were grain angle, moisture content, and weight loss caused by decay. Significant relationships between grain angle and the wave properties of velocity, amplitude gain, and total gain were obtained. Significant damping of the stress waves was observed at large grain angles and moisture content values above the fiber saturation point. No significant equations were found for consistent prediction of moisture content. The results of the decay study showed that as weight loss increased, the ratio of energy of the stress wave to that input to the specimen decreased for the perpendicular to grain case. Two approaches toward prediction of wood strength were investigated. The first method employed prediction of wood properties from the stress wave spectral characteristics. Known relationships between these wood properties and strength were then utilized. The second approach involved direct correlation of the stress wave spectral properties with strength. Significant correlatlons with strength were obtained using both approaches. Application of basic results are discussed as to their applicability toward development of an [sic] nondestructive evaluatlon (NOE) procedure for wood poles used in transmission line structures.Item Open Access Layered beam vibrations including slip(Colorado State University. Libraries, 1972-06) Henghold, William Murray, author; Department of Civil Engineering, Colorado State University, publisherThis study presents a theory for vibrations of layered beams with the effects of interlayer slip included. The theory is developed using Bernoulli-Euler assumptions with additional developments to account for the interlayer movement. The development is general, in the small deflection sense, for beams with mechanical connections. The development leads to governing equations for beams having both dual and single axes of symmetry and an arbitrary number of layers. Solutions to the governing equations are presented in closed form for various sets of boundary conditions. These solutions show the effect of interlayer connection on the natural frequency, and it is shown that the solutions reduce to well known values for the extremes of interlayer connection. The effect of damping on the solutions is presented, and the equations for the damped system are solved for small damping. The results of some simple tests which were performed are presented, and these results are shown to agree favorably with the proposed theory.Item Open Access Discussion of "River depletion resulting from pumping a well near a river"(Colorado State University. Libraries, 1955) Glover, Robert E., author; Balmer, Glenn G., author; American Geophysical Union, publisherItem Open Access Modeling of velocity distributions inside and above tall crops(Colorado State University. Libraries, 1965-06) Plate, E. J., author; Quraishi, A. A., author; American Meteorological Society, publisherVelocity distributions inside and above a model crop were investigated. The model crop consisted of flexible plastic strips fastened to the floor of a low speed wind tunnel. The experimental results indicated that at some distance xo downstream from the edge of the roughness cover the velocity profiles were similar inside and also above the cover. The length xo is discussed. The experimental results for the velocity distribution inside the plant cover were compared with field data obtained from different sources. A presentation of the velocity profiles inside the canopy in nondimensional form collapsed all field and laboratory data for a given crop type on one curve. The laboratory flow above the crop cover was analyzed using a power law form and using the logarithmic velocity distribution law. On the basis of the experimental results it is recommended that a two-tower arrangement of wind velocity measuring devices be used both for the evaluation of the surface shear stress and for checking the establishment of similarity profiles in the field.Item Open Access Hydraulic head loss at the interface between uniform sands of different sizes(Colorado State University. Libraries, 1954-08) Leatherwood, Frank N., author; Peterson, Dean F., Jr., author; American Geophysical Union, publisherThe hydraulic head loss for flow occurring at an interface between sands or gravels of different sizes was studied by experiment. Dimensional analysis was used In formulating the experiments and in analyzing the data which led to a simple relationship in which the hydraulic head loss at the interface is a function of the mean diameter of the smaller-sized sand or gravel, the Reynolds number for the flow through the smaller-sized gravel, and an empirical constant which appears to depend principally on the mean size and size distribution characteristics of the two sizes of sand or gravel. The experiments provided an opportunity to observe the action of sands or gravels used as filters and observations confirmed the opinion of Terzaghi and others that for uniform-sized sands the ratio of the mean diameter of the filtering sand to that of the sand to be filtered must not exceed approximately five in order that the smaller-sized material be excluded from the pores of the larger-sized material.Item Open Access A new method for predicting transient states of salinity intrusion into the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta(Colorado State University. Libraries, 1955-08) Glover, Robert E., author; American Geophysical Union, publisherThe mechanism by which the tidal changes propagate salinity into the Delta channels and the manner in which this propagation is opposed by the fresh water stream flows are expressed in mathematical form. Solutions of the basic differential equation are given which are suitable for computation of salinity changes and a method of computation is described. As an example of the use of these methods they are applied to the historical records to determine a depletion curve for the Delta by using the observed salinities as an indicator and finding the flows out of the Delta which were necessary to hold the salinities to the observed amounts. While the primary usefulness of this depletion curve is to form a basis for further estimates of ocean salinity encroachment, it is compared to use curves derived from independent sources.Item Open Access Run-off forecasts: 1954 water supply in the West(Colorado State University. Libraries, 1954-05) Houston, Clyde E., author; Stockwell, Homer J., author; Western Construction, publisherSurveys of Western snowpack show meager supply in Southwest, virtual drought in New Mexico and Colorado, good margin in Northwest, reservoir storage generally above past 10-year average at start of spring run-off, except in drought areas.Item Open Access Electrokinetic-potential fluctuations generated by jet impingement(Colorado State University. Libraries, 1963-07-03) Duckstein, L., author; Cermak, J. E., author; Pergamon Press, publisherElectrokinetic-potential fluctuations produced by a two-dimensional submerged water jet impinging on a plate have been measured. The potential fluctuations appear to be approximately proportional to the longitudinal-velocity fluctuations ux' in the neighborhood of the boundary. Normalized frequency distributions of potential-fluctuation measurements agree with velocity fluctuation data taken by Klebanoff and Laufer with a hot-wire anemometer at a dimensionless distance y/δ ∼- 10-3 from the wall. Assumptions made concerning the relationship between potential and velocity fluctuations give a possible explanation of the change in the shape of the potential-fluctuation spectrum with the flow velocity and the electrical conductivity of the water. Further analysis is required to establish a definite relationship between electrokinetic-potential fluctuations and velocity fluctuations occurring near a solid boundary.Item Open Access Discussion of "Numerical analysis of continuous unsteady flow in open channels"(Colorado State University. Libraries, 1953-10) Lin, Pin-Nam, author; American Geophysical Union, publisherItem Open Access On tides in estuaries and around small islands(Colorado State University. Libraries, 1953-06) Yih, Chia-Shun, author; American Geophysical Union, publisherTides in estuaries and around small is lands are studied in this paper. Under the assumption that the width and the mean depth of the estuary can be adequately expressed as power functions of the longitudinal distance from a certain point upstream, and that the depth of the ocean varies as a power function of the radial distance from the island, analytical solutions can be found by very simple transformations.Item Open Access Correlation between the outer flow and the turbulent production in a boundary layer(Colorado State University. Libraries, 1975-05) Cliff, William C., author; Sandborn, Virgil A., author; National Aeronautics and Space Administration, publisherSpace-time velocity correlation measurements between fluctuations occurring in the convoluting outer edge of a flat plate boundary layer with fluctuations occurring near the viscous subregion have been performed. The correlations indicate that information is propagated from the outer region to the inner region. The migration of turbulence away from the wall has been previously studied in the open literature. The results presented in this report along with the migration results lend support to the "limit cycle" model for turbulence production.Item Open Access Wind engineering study of Merchants Plaza, Indianapolis, Indiana(Colorado State University. Libraries, 1975-07) Peterka, J. A., author; Cermak, J. E., author; Department of Civil Engineering, Colorado State University, publisherItem Open Access Metropolitan water intelligence systems completion report, phase III(Colorado State University. Libraries, 1974-06) Grigg, Neil S., author; Labadie, John W., author; Wenzel, Harry G., author; Department of Civil Engineering, Colorado State University, publisherItem Open Access Solar thermal electric power systems: final report, volume 3, appendices(Colorado State University. Libraries, 1974-11) Colorado State University. Solar Energy Applications Laboratory, author; Westinghouse Electric Corporation, author; Department of Civil Engineering, Colorado State University, publisherThe final report consists of three volumes: (1) an Executive Summary, (2) System Studies and Economic Evaluations, and (3) Appendices. The objective of the research program is to develop design parameters of systems for thermal/mechanical conversion of solar energy to electric power at minimum cost per kilowatt-hour generated. Systems of 3MW to 300MW sizes in a public utility network are considered. Parametric performance and cost models are derived for key elements of the system. A sequential optimization program was developed using these models to determine optimum subsystem sets and combinations which yield the least capital cost plants. A dynamic simulation program was developed to determine annual electric power produced by solar power systems at specific locations. Electric energy cost comparisons are made to select promising systems for generation of electricity from solar energy.Item Open Access A preliminary comparison of the economics of two water supply alternatives for the city of Fort Collins(Colorado State University. Libraries, 1975) Lau, Daniel H., author; Colorado State University, publisherIt is the determination of this paper that the Joe Wright Project is more economical than the Installation of Water Meters as a water supply alternative for the city of Fort Collins. Arriving at this conclusion required a brief review of the Joe Wright Project and an investigation of water meters and their effect on water consumption in Fort Collins. This required an examination of such local factors as population, housing and water consumption. It was also necessary to make various projections and assumptions to accomplish this end. This report is intended as a preliminary study of the economics of these projects. The comparisons made here are based solely on a partial (in the sense that many side economic effects of the projects have not been considered) economic analysis. Therefore, financial considerations have been neglected. Specifically, this report compares the cost/AF of water produced or saved by the Joe Wright Project, the Joe Wright Project with one reuse and water meters with three different estimated water use reductions. Based on the analysis completed here, conclusions have been drawn in the hope that they will aid the City in its decision making process.Item Open Access A study of wind effects on Houston twin office buildings(Colorado State University. Libraries, 1972-09) Peterka, J. A., author; Cermak, J. E., author; Department of Civil Engineering, Colorado State University, publisher