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Report flood protection at bridge crossings: draft




Simons, Daryl B., author
Lewis, G. L., author
Colorado State University, publisher

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Techniques for the design of stable rock-riprap protection in the vicinity of bridge crossings are presented. Hydraulic properties of the crossings are computed from methods derived in other sources, and the properties are related to particle sizes for riprap protection of abutments and piers. Design steps for prototype bridge crossings are enumerated so that the hydraulic engineer may use this report as a design manual. An example of the design of protection for a prototype bridge crossing is included to clarify the suggested design procedures. Riprap-protected spill-through abutments were constructed in the hydraulic facilities at Colorado State University in order to test the validity of the suggested design procedures.


Includes bibliographical references (pages 88-94).
Prepared for Wyoming State Highway Department, Planning and Research Division in cooperation with the United States Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Bureau of Public roads.

Rights Access


Bridges -- Protection
Bridges -- Protection - primo


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