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  • ItemOpen Access
    In support of western regional resource and transmission planning coordination
    (Colorado State University. Libraries, 2021-10) Center for the New Energy Economy, author; Center for the New Energy Economy, publisher
    Produced in partnership by Gridworks and CNEE, this report stems from the facilitated conversations of the WIRED Transmission Planning and Development Working Group, in which leading Western transmission operators and policymakers collaborate to develop a shared vision for coordinated regional resource and transmission planning. This report concludes that existing "bottom up" transmission planning processes will not lead to the inter-regional, cost-effective transmission we need in the West. Rather, we recommend a coordinated regional resource and transmission planning process. The report outlines steps for beginning this process.--taken from website.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Promoting renewable energy development on reclaimed mine lands: state implementation of the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act
    (Colorado State University. Libraries, 2021-10) Center for the New Energy Economy, author; Center for the New Energy Economy, publisher
    Enacted in 1977, Title V of the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act (SMCRA) authorized the development of reclamation requirements for coal mining operations initiated after 1977. SMCRA allows states to seek primacy under which a state will be the lead authority in issuing and enforcing coal mine permits, including reclamation requirements, in its jurisdiction. For this report, CNEE evaluated and compared state implementation of SMCRA (through statute and administrative code) in the 23 states with primacy and active coal mining. We found that most states adopt the federal language nearly verbatim, and four areas of SMCRA afford opportunities for states to encourage the development of renewable energy resources and associated transmission infrastructure on reclaimed coal mine lands. PowerPoint presentation on the report detailing these policy opportunities.--taken from website.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Reducing energy waste in the United States conclusions from AEE's industry policy forum on energy productivity
    (Colorado State University. Libraries, 2013-09) Center for the New Energy Economy, author; Center for the New Energy Economy, publisher
  • ItemOpen Access
    Advancing grid modernization and smart grid policy: a discussion paper
    (Colorado State University. Libraries, 2013-12) Center for the New Energy Economy, author; Center for the New Energy Economy, publisher
    This paper is a result of the Advanced Energy Economy (AEE) Grid Modernization Policy Forum on June 18th, 2013 in Boulder, Colorado. The purpose of the forum was to identify the advanced energy industry's state policy priorities for smart grid utilization and deployment. The intended audience for this paper is state regulators, legislators, governor's' offices and other policy makers. This paper is not intended to be a comprehensive report on the smart grid. Rather, it is a summary of the most relevant barriers to broader smart grid adoption and corresponding policy options put forth for consideration by legislators, regulators and industry participants.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Part 3: Driving renewable energy markets: the conventional approach
    (Colorado State University. Libraries, 2016-08-25) Hoffer, Katherine Heriot, author; Cook, Jeffrey J., author; Culkin, J., author; Edmonds, C., author; Lyng, J., author; Manning, D., author; Plant, T., author; Center for the New Energy Economy, publisher
    State Renewable Portfolio Standards (RPSs) have been important drivers of renewable energy markets. This third paper in our innovation series examines historical adoption of, and amendments to RPSs, existing market certainty associated with these policies, and the outlook for future market certainty. By 2026, the target dates for 29 state RPS policies will have been reached. This paper offers suggestions for mitigating the potential impacts on market certainty associated with expiring RPSs.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Part 2: State policies to expand market certainty for energy efficiency without an energy efficiency resource standard
    (Colorado State University. Libraries, 2016-08-15) Lyng, Jeff, author; Cook, J., author; Culkin, J., author; Edmonds, C., author; Hoffer, K. H., author; Manning, D., author; Plant, T., author; Center for the New Energy Economy, publisher
    In this second paper, Advanced Energy Economy Institute (AEEI) and CNEE identify 21 policies that level the playing field for energy efficiency and allow it to be deployed at scale either in conjunction with, or in the absence of, an EERS. This paper also provides examples of best practices of these policies in select states in an attempt to help policymakers think beyond the EERS when it comes to energy efficiency.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Part 4: Private procurement, public benefit: integrating corporate renewable energy purchases with utility resource planning
    (Colorado State University. Libraries, 2016-12) Manning, D., author; Cook, J., author; Culkin, J., author; Edmonds, C., author; Hoffer, K. H., author; Lyng, J., author; Plant, T., author; Center for the New Energy Economy, publisher
  • ItemOpen Access
    Ensuring community involvement and environmental protection in western state transmission siting policy
    (Colorado State University. Libraries, 2022-10) Eisenbeis, Ellen, author; Feltus, Brian, author; Hoffer, Katherine Heriot, author; Dilling, Lisa, author; Davidson, Brendan, author; Evans, Alexandra, author; Center for the New Energy Economy, publisher
    This research examined transmission siting authorities in 12 Western states to explore how existing law incorporates community consultation and evaluation of environmental impacts. The team at the Center for the New Energy Economy (CNEE) developed several recommendations that states might consider when amending existing policy to better avoid significant impacts to communities and the environment. We believe that effective policy design might also better avoid siting conflicts (including litigation), which can delay project completion and contribute to cost overrun. Our policy recommendations are grouped into three broad categories: Engage communities; Prioritize avoiding environmental impacts; and Require data sharing and inter-agency coordination.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Promoting renewable energy development on reclaimed mine lands: state implementation of the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act
    (Colorado State University. Libraries, 2021) Center for the New Energy Economy, author; Center for the New Energy Economy, publisher
    Enacted in 1977, Title V of the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act (SMCRA) authorized the development of reclamation requirements for coal mining operations initiated after 1977. SMCRA allows states to seek primacy under which a state will be the lead authority in issuing and enforcing coal mine permits, including reclamation requirements, in its jurisdiction. For this report, CNEE evaluated and compared state implementation of SMCRA (through statute and administrative code) in the 23 states with primacy and active coal mining. We found that most states adopt the federal language nearly verbatim, and four areas of SMCRA afford opportunities for states to encourage the development of renewable energy resources and associated transmission infrastructure on reclaimed coal mine lands. This report details these policy opportunities.--taken from website.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Powering forward: presidential and executive agency actions to drive clean energy in America
    (Colorado State University. Libraries, 2015-12) Center for the New Energy Economy, author; Center for the New Energy Economy, publisher
  • ItemOpen Access
    An overview of key program design elements for state cap-and-invest programs
    (Colorado State University. Libraries, 2022-04-08) Cummins, Patrick, author; Center for the New Energy Economy, publisher
    This overview highlights key program design elements for state economy-wide cap-and-invest programs. These key program components can be addressed by legislation alongside a directive to periodically analyze program outcomes.--taken from website.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Powering forward: presidential and executive agency actions to drive clean energy in America: executive summary
    (Colorado State University. Libraries, 2015-12) Center for the New Energy Economy, author; Center for the New Energy Economy, publisher
    Executive summary of Powering Forward: A Report for President Obama's Administration.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Colorado future of gas: building decarbonization literature review
    (Colorado State University. Libraries, 2023-07) Eisenbeis, Ellen D., author; Evans, Alexandra I., author; Hoffer, Katherine A. Heriot, author; Center for the New Energy Economy, publisher
    Requested by the Colorado Future of Gas Steering Committee, this literature review examines a wide range of research on building emissions reductions. Under Colorado's Clean Heat Standard (Senate Bill 21-264), gas utilities will be required to develop clean heat plans that meet the state's goal of reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 4% below 2015 levels by 2025, and 22% below 2015 levels by 2030. This literature review examines different emissions reduction strategies and provides an overview of the costs and emissions impacts associated with the eligible resources allowed under the Clean Heat Standard. The review also discusses how emissions reduction strategies could impact customers, disproportionately impacted communities, the workforce, existing infrastructure, and reliability.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Federal-state partnerships: tackling climate through infrastructure
    (Colorado State University. Libraries, 2021-09) Profeta, Tim, author; Tegen, Suzanne, author; Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions, publisher
    Forming a more effective and efficient federal-state partnership requires increased efforts to share information between various levels of government, adopt best practices across state lines, address gaps in capacity, and build relationships between federal and state officials. The Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions and CNEE conducted a series of conversations with state leaders and identified several specific policy priority areas relevant to infrastructure proposals. This policy brief provides an overview of these priority areas.--taken from website.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Part 1: Driving renewable energy markets: the conventional approach
    (Colorado State University. Libraries, 2016-09-08) Cook, Jeffrey J., author; Culkin, J., author; Edmonds, C., author; Hoffer, K. H., author; Lyng, J., author; Manning, D., author; Plant., T., author; Center for the New Energy Economy, publisher
    States have long played an important role in driving energy efficiency markets. The more conventional approach to driving these markets has been the adoption of Energy Efficiency Resource Standards (EERS). This paper describes the historical adoption of EERS policies, the extent of existing market certainty associated with these policies, the outlook for future market certainty, and concludes with policy considerations for improving market certainty via EERS policy revisions.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Clean energy in agriculture: a Colorado study
    (Colorado State University. Libraries, 2018-04) Pretorius, Francisca, author; Center for the New Energy Economy, publisher
    In this report, the Center for the New Energy Economy identifies clean energy opportunities in the agricultural sector and indicates policy changes and programs that will maximize the use of agricultural land in a manner that benefits agricultural producers, electric utilities, and the community. While this report focuses on Colorado's agricultural sector, it can also be used as a model to promote the adoption of clean energy technologies in the agricultural sectors of other states and regions.--taken from website.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Workforce development for U.S. hydropower: key trends and findings
    (Colorado State University. Libraries, 2019-07) Keyser, David, author; Tegen, Suzanne, author; National Renewable Energy Laboratory, publisher
    The purpose of this report is to provide a brief assessment of the current U.S. hydropower industry workforce and educational programs, as well as potential future hydropower workforce needs. This report is based on data collected in 2016 for the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) by Navigant Consulting and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), which included a 2014 survey of hydropower employers to assess future workforce needs for potential growth scenarios.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Brownfields to brightfields: state policy models to facilitate the reuse of degraded lands for renewable energy
    (Colorado State University. Libraries, 2024-10) Jones, Benjamin J., author; Hoffer, Katherine A. Heriot, author; Center for the New Energy Economy, publisher
    This report examines strategies to promote siting renewable energy projects on degraded lands. As states seek to deploy renewable energy, the issue of siting has become increasingly contentious. Clean power projects located on undeveloped "greenfields" can encounter opposition. Steering these projects towards contaminated, underutilized, and degraded lands provides an alternative with many advantages. Converting degraded "brownfield" properties into clean energy installations is commonly known as "brightfield" development. Unfortunately, several obstacles hinder such development. Although brightfields have been successfully developed in 46 states, states with multiple policies to encourage this approach have the most projects by a serious margin. This report first discusses the advantages and obstacles to siting renewable energy on degraded lands. We then provide a toolkit of programs, with existing state policy examples, that states can employ to facilitate brightfield development.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Survey and assessment of the ocean renewable energy resources in the US Gulf of Mexico
    (Colorado State University. Libraries, 2020-02) Musial, Walter, author; Tegen, Suzanne, author; Driscoll, Rick, author; Spitsen, Paul, author; Roberts, Owen, author; Kilcher, Levi, author; Scott, George, author; Beiter, Philipp, author; Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, publisher
    The goal of this study is to survey potential offshore renewable energy sources in the GOM and quantify their feasibility relating to resource adequacy, technology maturity, and the potential for competitive cost. The study provides a review of available technologies and concepts for generating offshore renewable energy, including a high-level assessment of the current state of each technology and its potential for future advances. It provides a breakdown of resource capacity for each renewable energy technology as well as a recommendation that offshore wind be pursued for future study as it was found to be the most promising ocean renewable technology.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Economic impacts from wind energy in Colorado case study: Rush Creek Wind Farm
    (Colorado State University. Libraries, 2019-09) Stefek, Jeremy, author; Kaelin, Anna, author; Tegen, Suzanne, author; Roberts, Owen, author; Keyser, David, author; National Renewable Energy Laboratory, publisher
    This report is a quantitative and qualitative analysis of a single wind development: the 600-MW Rush Creek Wind Farm. The results highlight the jobs and economic activity supported during wind construction, manufacturing, and operation and maintenance activities. The case studies and qualitative research in this report provide context for the quantitative JEDI model results describing the economic impacts to rural communities.--taken from website.