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Promoting renewable energy development on reclaimed mine lands: state implementation of the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act


Enacted in 1977, Title V of the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act (SMCRA) authorized the development of reclamation requirements for coal mining operations initiated after 1977. SMCRA allows states to seek primacy under which a state will be the lead authority in issuing and enforcing coal mine permits, including reclamation requirements, in its jurisdiction. For this report, CNEE evaluated and compared state implementation of SMCRA (through statute and administrative code) in the 23 states with primacy and active coal mining. We found that most states adopt the federal language nearly verbatim, and four areas of SMCRA afford opportunities for states to encourage the development of renewable energy resources and associated transmission infrastructure on reclaimed coal mine lands. This report details these policy opportunities.--taken from website.


Rights Access


Energy policy
Renewable energy sources -- Law and legislation
reclaimed mine lands


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