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  • ItemOpen Access
    Channel delineation datasets associated with "River channel response to invasive plant treatment across the American Southwest"
    (Colorado State University. Libraries, 2022) Wieting, Celeste; Friedman, Jonathan; Rathburn, Sara L.
    Invasive riparian plants were introduced to the American Southwest in the early 19th century and contributed to regional trends of decreasing river channel width and migration rate in the 20th century. More recently efforts to remove invasive riparian vegetation (IRV) have been widespread, especially since 1990. To what extent has IRV treatment reversed the earlier trend of channel narrowing and reduced dynamism? In this study, paired treated and untreated reaches at 15 sites along 13 rivers were compared before and after IRV treatment using repeat aerial imagery to assess long-term (~10 year) channel change due to treatment on a regional scale across the Southwest U.S. We found that IRV treatment significantly increased channel width and floodplain destruction. Treated reaches had higher floodplain destruction than untreated reaches at 14 of 15 sites, and IRV treatment increased the rate of floodplain destruction by a median factor of 1.9. The effect of treatment increased with the stream power of the largest flow over the study period. Resolving observations of channel change into separate measures of floodplain destruction and formation provided more information on underlying processes than simple measurements of channel width and centerline migration rate. Restoration practitioners who perform IRV treatment projects often focus on wildlife or vegetation response; however, geomorphic processes should be considered in restoration planning because they drive aquatic habitat and vegetation dynamics, and because of the potential for damage to downstream infrastructure. Depending on the restoration goal, management practices can be used to enhance or minimize the increase in channel dynamism caused by IRV removal.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Nitrous oxide emissions from 2008 to 2012 for agricultural lands in the conterminous United States
    (Colorado State University. Libraries, 2022) Ogle, S. M.; Del Grosso, S. J.; Nevison, C.
    Nitrous oxide (N2O) is an important greenhouse gas (GHG) that also contributes to depletion of ozone in the stratosphere. Agricultural soils account for about 60% of anthropogenic N2O emissions. Most national GHG reporting to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change assumes nitrogen (N) additions drive emissions during the growing season, but soil freezing and thawing during spring is also an important driver in cold climates. We show that both atmospheric inversions and newly implemented bottom-up modeling approaches exhibit large N2O pulses in the northcentral region of the United States during early spring and this increases annual N2O emissions from croplands and grasslands reported in the national GHG inventory by 11%. Considering this, emission accounting in cold climate regions is very likely under-estimated in most national reporting frameworks. Current commitments related to the Paris Agreement and COP 26 emphasize reductions of carbon compounds. Assuming these targets are met, the importance of accurately accounting and mitigating N2O increases once CO2 and CH4 are phased out. Hence, the N2O emission under-estimate introduces additional risks into meeting long term climate goals.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Pingree Park Meteorological Data 2003 to 2008
    (Colorado State University. Libraries, 2022) Fassnacht, Steven R.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Pingree Park Meteorological Data, 1977-1978
    (Colorado State University. Libraries, 2022) Unknown
  • ItemOpen Access
    Climatic data of the CSU Mountain Campus and surrounding area collected during the summers between 1959 and 1964
    (Colorado State University. Libraries, 2022) Batten, Alan; Meyers, Alan; Turner, Mark
  • ItemOpen Access
    Pingree Park Daily Mean Temperature Data from 1972 to 1977
    (Colorado State University. Libraries, 2022) Unknown
  • ItemOpen Access
    Data associated with “Little South Poudre Watershed Climate and Hydrology 1961-1971”
    (Colorado State University. Libraries, 2022) Meiman, James R.; Leavesley, George H.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Dataset associated with "Differential influence of humans impacts on age-specific demography underpin trends in an African elephant population"
    (Colorado State University. Libraries, 2021) Wittemyer, George; Daballen, David; Douglas-Hamilton, Iain
    Diagnosing age-specific influences on demographic trends and their drivers in at-risk wildlife species can support the development of targeted conservation interventions. Such information also underpins understanding of life history. Here we assess age-specific demography in wild African elephants, a species whose life history is marked by long life and extreme parental investment. During the 20-year study, survival and its variation were similar between adults and juveniles in contrast to relationships found among many large bodied mammals. Prospective analysis on age-specific Leslie matrices for females demonstrated survival is more influential than fecundity on λ, with sensitivity of both decreasing with age. Results aggregated by stage classes indicate young adults (9-18 years) demonstrated the highest elasticity, followed by preparous juveniles (3-8 years). Mature adults (36+ years) had the lowest aggregate elasticity value. Retrospective analysis parameterized by data from the early and latter periods of the study, characterized by low then high human impact (faster and slower growth respectively), demonstrated fecundity (particularly for adults; 19-35 years) explained the greatest variation in λ observed during the period of low human impact, while survival (particularly juvenile and adult) was more influential during the high human impact period. The oldest females (mature adult stage) weakly influenced population growth despite demonstrating the highest fecundity and their behavioral importance in elephant society. Multiple regression models on survival showed the negative effects of human impacts and population size were the strongest correlates across sexes and ages. Annual rainfall, our metric for environmental conditions, was weakly informative. The presence of dependent young was positively correlated with survival for breeding females, suggesting condition-based mortality filtering during pregnancy. Notwithstanding the stabilizing effect of high juvenile survival on elephant population growth, demographic processes in elephants were similar to those shaping life history in other large herbivores. Implications of the study results with respect to the conservation of elephants and analysis of demographic impact of poaching are discussed, along with the study’s relevance to theories regarding the evolution of life history and parental care.
  • ItemOpen Access
    20-year vegetation change data in three ecological zones in Mongolia
    (Colorado State University. Libraries, 2020) Jamiyansharav, Khishigbayar; Fernandez-Gimenez, Maria
    Mongolian rangelands have experienced warming temperatures and increasing livestock densities over the past 20 years. Remote sensing studies report widespread degradation, but there are no long-term field studies of vegetation responses to shifts in climate and stocking densities. In 2013, we resampled plots originally sampled in 1994-1995 in the desert-steppe, steppe and mountain-steppe, and analyzed changes in vegetation in relation to changes in climate, stocking densities and forage use. Summer temperatures significantly increased and stocking densities fluctuated in response to droughts followed by harsh winters. Total herbaceous biomass in 2013 was similar to (desert-steppe and steppe) or greater than (mountain-steppe) in 1995, and total foliar and herbaceous cover were unchanged since 1995 in all zones. In the mountain-steppe, functional type and species cover shifts were consistent with warming temperatures and increasing grazing pressure. All species richness and diversity indicators declined significantly in the mountain-steppe since 1995 as did richness in the steppe. Some Mongolian rangelands may be losing resilience due to interacting climate and grazing pressures, but our data suggest degradation observed at our study sites is reversible. Mountain-steppe systems appear more vulnerable to grazing- and climate-induced vegetation change than steppe and desert-steppe.
  • ItemOpen Access
    MOR2 hydraulic field data
    (Colorado State University. Libraries, 2020) Venable, Niah B.H.; Fassnacht, Steven R.; Jigjisuren, Odgarav; Jamiyankhuyag, Sukhbaatar
    This record contains spreadsheets with location and measurements data from hydrologic (streamflow) and hydraulic (floodplain characteristics) work performed in Summer 2012 by S.R.Fassnacht, Niah B.H. Venable, Odgarav Jigjisuren and Sukhbataar Jamiyankhuyag.
  • ItemOpen Access
    MOR2 hydrology field data
    (Colorado State University. Libraries, 2020) Venable, Niah B.H.; Fassnacht, Steven R.; Jigjisuren, Odgarav; Jamiyankhuyag, Sukhbaatar
    This record contains tables with location and measurements data from hydrologic (streamflow) work performed in Summer 2012 by S.R.Fassnacht, Niah B.H. Venable, Odgarav Jigjisuren and Sukhbaatar Jamiyankhuyag.
  • ItemOpen Access
    MOR2 plot level climate data
    (Colorado State University. Libraries, 2020) Angerer, Jay
    MOR2 study plot level climate data from the WordClim (1950-2000), Climate Prediction Center (1979-2012), and APHRODITE (1961-2007).
  • ItemRestricted
    MOR2 ecological data
    (Colorado State University. Libraries, 2020) Reid, R. S.; Jamsranjav, C.; Fernández-Giménez, M. E.; Laituri, M.; Jamiyansharav, Kh.; Altanzul, T.; Baasandorj, Ya.; Zumberelmaa, D.
    MOR2 ecological data were collected from 143 winter camps at three different grazing distances in four different ecological zones. Ecological field data includes soil pit descriptions, soul surface data including resource retention class and soil redistribution class data; site environmental data (i.e. metadata), and vegetation data including plant biomass by functional group and plant cover by species.
  • ItemRestricted
    MOR2 organization profile survey data
    (Colorado State University. Libraries, 2020) Fernández-Giménez, M. E; Ulambayar, Tungalag; Baival, Batkhishig; Batjav, Batbuyan; Laituri, Melinda; Linn, Sophia; Roynane, Bridget; Holfelder, Kirsten; Jamiyansharav, Khishigbayar
    Organization level social data were collected from 142 pastoral groups.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Mongolian livestock data
    (Colorado State University. Libraries, 2020) Angerer, Jay; Jamiyansharav, Khishigbayar
    The file "Mongolia_livestock_numbers_1970_2014.tsv" contains the raw livestock numbers and the conversions to sheep units collected by Jay Angerer ( on 09/07/2016 from The Mongolia Office of National Statistics (MNS) from 1970 to 2014 by kind and soum (
  • ItemOpen Access
    MOR2 hydro meteorological data
    (Colorado State University. Libraries, 2020) Venable, Niah B.H.; Fassnacht, Steven R.; Jigjisuren, Odgarav
    This data set is an archive of monthly precipitation, maximum temperature, minimum temperature, mean monthly streamflow, and median monthly streamflow data for selected stations in the Khangai Mountain region.
  • ItemRestricted
    MOR2 household survey data
    (Colorado State University. Libraries, 2020) Fernández-Giménez, M. E.; Ulambayar, Tungalag; Baival, Batkhishig; Batjav, Batbuyan; Laituri, Melinda; Linn, Sophia; Roynane, Bridget; Holfelder, Kirsten; Jamiyansharav, Khishigbayar
    Household level social data were collected from 706 households.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Mongolian herder households
    (Colorado State University. Libraries, 2020) Jamiyansharav, Khishigbayar; Fernández-Giménez, M. E.
    This file contain machine-readable data detailing the number of livestock owning households in Aimags in Mongolia. Number of herder households obtained from the Mongolian statistical bulletins from each year (1991-2012). 2013-2015 data are from the following online source: Number of absentee herders are calculated from the above two datasets: = (livestock owning households - herder household).