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Tropical cyclogenesis via convectively forced vortex Rossby waves in a three-dimensional quasigeostrophic model

dc.contributor.authorEnagonio, Janice, author
dc.contributor.authorMontgomery, Michael T., author
dc.descriptionJuly 1998.
dc.descriptionAlso issued as Janice Enagonio's thesis (M.S.) -- Colorado State University, 1997.
dc.description.abstractThis work investigates the problem of tropical cyclogenesis in three dimensions. In particular, we examine the interaction of small-scale convective disturbances with a larger­ scale vortex circulation in a nonlinear quasigeostrophic balance model. Convective forcing is parameterized by its estimated net effect on the potential vorticity field. Idealized numerical experiments show that vortex intensification proceeds by ingestion of like-sign potential vorticity anomalies into the parent vortex and expulsion of opposite-sign potential vorticity anomalies during the axisymmetrization process. For the finite amplitude forcing considered here the weakly nonlinear vortex Rossby wave, mean-flow predictions for the magnitude and location of the spinup are in good agreement with the model results. Vortex development is analyzed using Lagrangian trajectories, Eliassen-Palm flux vectors, and the Lorenz energy cycle. Using numerical estimates of the magnitude of PV injection based on previous observational and theoretical work, we obtain spinup to a 15 ms-1 cyclone on realistic time scales. Simulation of a midlevel vortex with peripheral convection shows that axisymmetrization results in the spinup of a surface cyclone. The axisymmetrization mechanism demonstrates the development of a warm-core vortex. The relative contribution from eddy heat fluxes and eddy momentum fluxes to the warm core structure of the cyclone is investigated. The vortex spinup obtained shows greater than linear dependence on the forcing amplitude, indicating the existence of a nonlinear feedback mechanism associated with the vortex Rossby waves. Building on recent work by several authors, this work further clarifies the significance of the axisymmetrization process for the problem of tropical cyclogenesis. The theory is shown to be consistent with published observations of tropical cyclogenesis. Further observational tests of the theory, specific to the dynamics examined here, are proposed.
dc.description.sponsorshipSponsored by the National Science Foundation grants ATM-9312655 and ATM-9529295.
dc.publisherColorado State University. Libraries
dc.relationCatalog record number (MMS ID): 991004033669703361
dc.relationQC852 .C6 no. 656
dc.relation.ispartofAtmospheric Science Papers (Blue Books)
dc.relation.ispartofAtmospheric science paper, no. 656
dc.rightsCopyright and other restrictions may apply. User is responsible for compliance with all applicable laws. For information about copyright law, please see
dc.subjectCyclones -- Tropics
dc.subjectConvection (Meteorology
dc.titleTropical cyclogenesis via convectively forced vortex Rossby waves in a three-dimensional quasigeostrophic model
dcterms.rights.dplaThis Item is protected by copyright and/or related rights ( You are free to use this Item in any way that is permitted by the copyright and related rights legislation that applies to your use. For other uses you need to obtain permission from the rights-holder(s).


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