Atmospheric transport of hydrogen sulfide from proposed geothermal power plant (unit 20): predictions by physical modeling in a wind tunnel
Petersen, Ronald L., author
Cermak, J. E., author
Fluid Dynamics and Diffusion Laboratory, Fluid Mechanics and Wind Engineering Program, Colorado State University, publisher
Journal Title
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Volume Title
The transport and dispersion of hydrogen sulfide plumes emanating from cooling towers located at three separate positions in the Geysers Geothermal Area were studied in the Colorado State University drainage flow and environmental wind tunnel facilities. The tests were performed utilizing 1:1920 scale models of the cooling towers and the terrain surrounding the Geysers Power Plant complex. Ground-level concentrations were measured along Big Sulphur Creek to study interaction of the cooling tower plumes with the natural drainage flow. Concentrations were also sampled at ground-level and vertically between the cooling towers and Anderson Springs at five different wind speeds and a predominantly west wind, under neutral conditions. Data obtained include velocity and temperature profiles, isopleths of ground-level concentration, vertical concentration distributions, and plume visualization photographs.
Prepared for Pacific Gas and Electric Company.
Includes bibliographical references (pages 35-36).
September 1980.
Prepared for Pacific Gas and Electric Company.
Includes bibliographical references (pages 35-36).
September 1980.
Rights Access
Geothermal power plants -- Environmental aspects -- California -- Lake County
Wind tunnel models
Hydrogen sulfide
Atmospheric diffusion -- Mathematical models