Accessibility, self-efficacy, flow, and their relationship to the gameplay experience of fighting games
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This study investigates the impact of video game accessibility in the context of fighting games. It further explores how accessibility influences perceived self-efficacy within the framework of Social Cognitive Theory. While previous research broadly explored accessibility and self-efficacy in gaming, this study fills a gap by focusing on the fighting game genre. By applying self-efficacy theory, the research enhances our understanding of new player and legacy player perceptions of the Fighting Game Community based on the accessibility features of Street Fighter 6, offering key insights for both researchers and industry stakeholders. Through a textual analysis of Street Fighter 6 reviews on Steam, it examines how accessibility influences gamers' self-efficacy, flow, and gameplay experience. The findings offer insights into gamer's perceptions of fighting game accessibility and provide valuable information for marketing and development strategies aimed at attracting new players to established fan bases.
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fighting games
game reviews
video games