Analysis of the effects of CO₂ and landscape change using a coupled plant and meteorological model
Eastman, Joseph L., author
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This study outlines the development and subsequent implementation of a meteorological model coupled to a plant-scale model capable of simulating micro to hemispheric scales. For this study, the modeling system was applied to mesoscale (50 km horizontal grid increment) sensitivity studies over a domain covering the central United States. The model was integrated over a single growing season, with observed 1989 meteorology nudging the boundaries. The meteorological model prognosed temperature, momentum, and precipitation processes. The plant model simulates, based on underlying vegetation, the C3 and C4 photosynthesis cycles. It was initialized with AVHRR 8 km NDVI data and VEMAP vegetation dataset. Coupling a mechanistic root submodel with a soil submodel, both integrating on a multi-layered grid, represented the below-ground processes. These coupled submodels were employed to simulate water uptake and effluence, heat conduction, and soil respiration. Eight 210-day integrations were performed using a combination of current and natural vegetation, 1 x and 2 x CO2 both with and without added radiative forcing due to doubling CO2. In all simulations the CO2 was treated as a scalar quantity and allowed to advect and diffuse in a manner similar to water vapor. In addition, the plant and soil interfaces provided sources and sinks for the CO2. The 8 integrations were then analyzed to ascertain the relative contributions to prognosed meteorological and biological fields due to changing landcover, 2 x CO2 radiative forcing, 2 x CO2 with no radiative forcing, and the nonlinear interactions between these factors.
Spring 1999.
Also issued as author's dissertation (Ph.D.) -- Colorado State University, 1999.
Also issued as author's dissertation (Ph.D.) -- Colorado State University, 1999.
Rights Access
Vegetation and climate
Convection (Meteorology)