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Specular null polarization theory: applications to radar meteorology




Hubbert, John C., author
Bringi, V. N., author
IEEE, publisher

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Specular null polarization theory (SNPT) has been recently introduced for the case of coherent scattering where a 2 x 2 scattering matrix is sufficient to describe the scattering process. In this paper, SNPT is extended to the case of incoherent scattering. Optimum polarization states are derived and the results are discussed in relation to the classic radar optimum polarizations. In traditional radar polarimetry, modeling of the radar receive/transmit network is included in the radar voltage equation and consequently this affects the optimum polarizations and polarization responses of scatterers. SNPT eliminates this effect and therefore allows for a more direct analysis of scatterers. Modeling of ensembles of precipitation particles is used to illustrate the results of the analysis.


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radar cross-sections
radar polarimetry
remote sensing by radar
s-matrix theory
atmospheric techniques
radar theory
meteorological radar


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