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Systematic review of therapeutic interventions in occupational therapy for children with traumatic brain injury




Ferland, Erik Richard, author
Sample, Pat, advisor
Greene, David, committee member
Seger, Carol, committee member

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Objective: The aim of this study was to conduct a systematic evidence-based search and review of the published literature pertaining to occupational therapy interventions for children with traumatic brain injuries. Data sources: The databases searched included PsychINFO (EBSCOhost), Academic Search Premier (EBSCOhost), CINAHL (EBSCOhost) and PsycARTICLES (EBSCOhost) as well as the reference lists of articles found. Search terms: Whole words included brain, head. Wild card searches included child*, injur*, p?ediat*, rehab*, interven*, traum*, occupation*, therap*. Inclusion criteria for research articles: The participants must be children and youth with traumatic brain injuries (TBI) sustained from birth -2 1 years old; the intervention must be an associated occupational therapy intervention; the study must include between groups designs, with either quasi-experimental or randomized experimental design, and within subject single subject designs. Data interpretation: The author assessed each article against a rubric that looked at the quality various aspects of the study (e.g. design, methods, and outcome variables). Results: The researcher analyzed six articles with a total of 39 children with TBI. Three articles researched restrain therapy, one researched Lycra-based splints, one researched an antecedent behavioral intervention, and one discussed a problem solving intervention for families of children with TBI. Conclusion: The researchers found positive effects for the CIT interventions, the antecedent behavioral intervention and the family problem-solving intervention. The researchers who looked at the Lycra splinting found mixed results that were inconclusive.


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Rights Access


Occupational therapy for children
Brain-damaged children -- Rehabilitation
Brain -- Wounds and injuries -- Patients -- Rehabilitation


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