Adaptive spatiotemporal data integration using distributed query relaxation over heterogeneous observational datasets
Mitra, Saptashwa, author
Pallickara, Sangmi Lee, advisor
Pallickara, Shrideep, committee member
Li, Kaigang, committee member
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Combining data from disparate sources enhances the opportunity to explore different aspects of the phenomena under consideration. However, there are several challenges in doing so effectively that include inter alia, the heterogeneity in data representation and format, collection patterns, and integration of foreign data attributes in a ready-to-use condition. In this study, we propose a scalable query-oriented data integration framework that provides estimations for spatiotemporally aligned data points. We have designed Confluence, a distributed data integration framework that dynamically generates accurate interpolations for the targeted spatiotemporal scopes along with an estimate of the uncertainty involved with such estimation. Confluence orchestrates computations to evaluate spatial and temporal query joins and to interpolate values. Our methodology facilitates distributed query evaluations with a dynamic relaxation of query constraints. Query evaluations are locality-aware and we leverage model-based dynamic parameter selection to provide accurate estimation for data points. We have included empirical benchmarks that profile the suitability of our approach in terms of accuracy, latency, and throughput at scale.
Rights Access
data integration
real time queries
vector data
raster data
data fusion