Recent prints: landscape and still-life
Stack, Karin E., author
Dormer, James T., advisor
Orman, Jack L., committee member
Simons, Stephen R., committee member
Twarogowski, Leroy A., committee member
Ronda, Bruce A., committee member
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My investigations of the landscape are tied to observation but equally informed by memory and imagination. I am fascinated by creating light, space, and illusion, however, these interests are countered by my interest in formal qualities. I hope to achieve psychological impact and expressive effect while exploring isolation, emptiness, and disquietude in the landscape. I am attracted to the intaglio medium because of the richness of the resulting images as well as to the process itself. Initially, I work from observation, then generalize, edit and invent. I also explore still-life subjects using lithography in which I investigate compressed space and abstract shapes. I sometimes include ambiguously scaled houses within the still-life to evoke architectural space and present a question or tension.
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still life in art
Intaglio printing
Landscapes in art