Wind-tunnel study of downwash at the Bay Shore Power Station
Cermak, J. E., author
Petersen, Ronald L., author
Fluid Mechanics and Wind Engineering Program, Fluid Dynamics and Diffusion Laboratory, College of Engineering, Colorado State University, publisher
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The proposed Environmental Protection Agency stack height regulation gives regional administrators the authority to require a field or fluid modeling demonstration of an air quality problem due to downwash, wakes or eddies at existing sources. If the demonstration indicates the existence of an air quality problem then an existing source which increases its stack height may employ an empirical equation to determine the stack height credit it will receive. Since Toledo Edison is replacing its existing four stacks at the Bay Shore Power Station with one taller single stack, the requirement of the regulation seemingly must be satisfied before credit for the new stack is obtained. Toledo Edison contracted Colorado State University to conduct a fluid modeling investigation of the effect of structural generated downwash, wakes or eddies upon ground level concentrations. The tests were conducted using state of the art wind-tunnel testing procedures. Visualization and concentration measurements of the simulated plumes from the Bay Shore Power Station stacks were obtained for eight wind directions, three plant load conditions and one wind speed. For comparison several tests were run without the plant structure present. The results of the study show that the maximum concentration is in excess of the national ambient air quality standard for SO2 and is at least 40 percent in excess of the maximum concentration experienced in the absence of downwash, wakes, and eddy effects produced by nearby structures. The maximum concentration excess observed was approximately 650 percent.
Prepared for The Toledo Edison Company.
Includes bibliographical references (pages 40-41).
April 1979.
Prepared for The Toledo Edison Company.
Includes bibliographical references (pages 40-41).
April 1979.
Rights Access
Wind tunnel models
Buildings -- Ohio -- Toledo -- Aerodynamics