Linear prediction and partial tail correlation for extremes
Lee, Jeongjin, author
Cooley, Daniel, advisor
Kokoszka, Piotr, committee member
Breidt, Jay, committee member
Pezeshki, Ali, committee member
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This dissertation consists of three main studies for extreme value analyses: linear prediction for extremes, uncertainty quantification for predictions, and investigating conditional relationships between variables at their extreme levels. We employ multivariate regular variation to provide a framework for modeling dependence in the upper tail, which is assumed to be a direction of interest. Cooley and Thibaud [2019] consider transformed-linear operations to define a vector space on the nonnegative orthant and show regular variation is preserved by these transformed-linear operations. Extending the approach of Cooley and Thibaud [2019], we first consider the problem of performing prediction when observed values are at extreme levels. This linear approach is motivated by the limitation that traditional extreme value models have difficulties fitting a high dimensional extreme value model. We construct an inner product space of nonnegative random variables from transformed-linear combinations of independent regularly varying random variables. Rather than fully characterizing extremal dependence in high dimensions, we summarize tail behavior via a matrix of pairwise tail dependencies. The projection theorem yields the optimal transformed-linear predictor, which has a similar form to the best linear unbiased predictor in non-extreme prediction. We then quantify uncertainty for the prediction of extremes by using information contained in the tail pairwise dependence matrix. We create the 95% prediction interval based on the geometry of regular variation. We show that the prediction intervals have good coverage in a simulation study as well as in two applications: prediction of high NO2 air pollution levels, and prediction of large financial losses. We also compare prediction intervals with a linear approach to ones with a parametric approach. Lastly, we develop the novel notion of partial tail correlation via projection theorem in the inner product space. Partial tail correlations are the analogue of partial correlations in non-extreme statistics but focus on extremal dependence. Partial tail correlation can be represented by the inner product of prediction errors associated with the previously defined best transformed-linear prediction for extremes. We find a connection between the partial tail correlation and the inverse matrix of tail pairwise dependencies. We then develop a hypothesis test for zero elements in the inverse extremal matrix. We apply the idea of partial tail correlation to assess flood risk in application to extreme river discharges in the upper Danube River basin. We compare the extremal graph constructed from the idea of the partial tail correlation to physical flow connections on the Danube.