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Meg Metzger-Seymour: capstone




Metzger-Seymour, Meg, artist

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The artist's statement: In my work as a designer I aim to balance organic illustration with unique typography solutions to produce positive change in the world around us. I see typography as a form of art in itself. I love working with letterforms, challenging myself to create new, imaginative forms of type that are still legible. I do not distinguish typography from illustration. I see each element as equal, each is essential to the other, working as a pair to balance my compositions. I believe that design is one of the most powerful, influential communication tools. I believe that it is important to harness this power to create positive change. I am inspired by movements for social equality and change, including the recent BLM movement, the Women's March as well as LGBTQ movements. Each is equally important and inspiring, I feel particularly connected to the women's and LGBTQ movements identifying as a bisexual woman. The designs created for each of these movements motivates me as a designer, from handmade protest signs with sharpies and posterboard, to beautiful, intricate posters, individuals using design for social change is inherently inspiring. It is these influences along with my passion for illustration and lettering which drives me as a designer, to create the best possible, meaningful work.


Colorado State University Art and Art History Department capstone project.
Capstone contains the artist's statement, a list of works, and images of works.

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graphic design


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