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Trail log - 2010-2011


Rolston accounts of trips: 2010 Colby College, and Maine woods, April. Virginia and Shenandoah Mountains, Rockbridge Baths, VA, April. Yellowstone National Park, Wildlife Watching and Wolf Ecology and Management Seminars, wolves, May. Indian Peaks Wilderness, Colorado, Arapaho and Caribou Pass, backpacking, August. Madagascar, lemurs, sifakas, chameleons, spiny forest, October. 2011. March, Yelllowstone wolves, American Church, Paris, March-April. Texas Panhandle, Lubbock, TX, April. Nijmegen, Netherlands, International Society for Environmental Ethics, June. Newcastle, UK: Sixth International conference on Environmental Futures, July. Symposium, Helsingør, Denmark, August. Singapore and South Asia, September. National University of Singapore. Billyoh Wetland Reserve, Singapore. Indonesia and Komodo dragons. Cambodia. Viet Nam.


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