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North Platte River Basin wetland profile and condition assessment




Lemly, Joanna M., author
Gilligan, Laurie, author
Colorado Natural Heritage Program, publisher

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This report summarizes finding from the second basinwide wetland condition assessment, conducted in the North Platte River Basin. The initial step in each project is to compile a "wetland profile" based on digital wetland mapping. Wetland profiles summarize the types, abundance, and distribution of wetlands among ecoregions and landownership within a given geographic area and can be used to establish baseline conditions, assess cumulative impacts, and inform conservation planning. The second step in each project is to conduct a field-based assessment of ecological condition and associated stressors that can be extrapolated to all wetland area in the basin. Assessing the ecological condition of wetlands within each basin provides a coarse filter for prioritizing on-the-ground efforts to protect and restore wetland habitat. Through this project, CPW and CNHP developed a wetland profile of the North Platte River Basin to document the spatial distribution of wetlands, conducted a field-based assessment of wetland condition, and used the data to estimate both overall condition of wetlands and the availability of wetland habitat across the basin.


Prepared for: Colorado Parks and Wildlife Wetland Wildlife Conservation Program, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 8.
Includes bibliographical references (pages 88-93).

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watershed management
wetlands monitoring
wetland ecology


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