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  • ItemOpen Access
    Biological survey of Eagle Rock Ranch, Park County, Colorado
    (Colorado State University. Libraries, 2023-12) Smith, Jessica Peterson, author; Sovell, John R., author; Colorado Natural Heritage Program, publisher
  • ItemOpen Access
    Survey and assessment of critical wetlands in the Roaring Fork watershed, Colorado
    (Colorado State University. Libraries, 2022-09) Marshall, Sarah, author; Culver, Denise, author; Smith, Gabrielle, author; Colorado Natural Heritage Program, publisher
  • ItemOpen Access
    Public returns to private lands conservation in Colorado: the Conservation Easement Tax Credit Program: executive summary
    (Colorado State University. Libraries, 2023-12-31) Seidl, Andrew, author; Crossett, Cole, author; Greenwell, Amy, author; Bennett, Drew, author; Menefee, Michael, author; Colorado State University, publisher
  • ItemOpen Access
    Public returns to private lands conservation in Colorado: the Conservation Easement Tax Credit Program
    (Colorado State University. Libraries, 2023-12-31) Seidl, Andrew, author; Crossett, Cole, author; Greenwell, Amy, author; Bennett, Drew, author; Menefee, Michael, author; Colorado State University, publisher
  • ItemOpen Access
    Noxious weed monitoring and treatment year 17 at the U.S. Air Force Academy
    (Colorado State University. Libraries, 2022-04-15) Smith, Pam, author; Greenwell, Amy, author; Baldvins, Tom, author
  • ItemOpen Access
    Distribution modeling for Colorado SWAP plants of greatest conservation need
    (Colorado State University. Libraries, 2023) Decker, K., author; Smith, J. P., author; Fink, J., author; Handwerk, J., author; Doyle, G., author; Panjabi, S. S., author; Colorado Natural Heritage Program, publisher
    Species distribution models for 81 of the 117 plant species listed in the Rare Plant Addendum of the Colorado State Wildlife Action Plan (CPW 2015) were created using information on known locations and species habitat requirements. These distribution models have been included in the conservation data sharing platform, the Colorado Conservation Data Explorer (CODEX), to help conserve and protect these Plants of Greatest Conservation Need (PGCN) through environmental review and conservation planning. Expert review of species distribution models was solicited from regional botanists; Forty-six individual botanists reviewed a total of 75 species distribution models, with a total of 113 reviews. Over 80% of reviews concluded that the model in question was in the "Reasonable" or higher level of overall correctness. Also included in this report are results of a pilot project to predict changes in suitable habitat under two potential future climate scenarios for Astragalus microcymbus, Astragalus osterhoutii, Draba smithii, Eutrema penlandii, Frasera coloradensis and Ipomopsis polyantha. The modeling work of this project amplifies our knowledge, building upon decades of field work preserved in CNHP's database, and advances our understanding of species habitat.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Roaring Fork Watershed biodiversity and connectivity study
    (Colorado State University. Libraries, 2022) Rondeau, Renée, author; Fink, Michelle, author; Schuhmann, Andrea, author; Gruanu, Lee, author; Colorado Natural Heritage Program, publisher
  • ItemOpen Access
    Biodiversity of the Colorado State University lands
    (Colorado State University. Libraries, 2022-06) Smith, J. P., author; Balunek, E., author; Baldvins, T., author; Schuhmann, A., author; Anderson, D., author; Eastberg, O., author; Enebo, E., author; Garcia, K., author; Kim, M., author; Lansidel, D., author; Martinus, J., author; McCarty, C., author; Petrova, D., author; Richardson, M., author; Schell, A., author; Stansbury, T., author; Varga, S., author; Walker, B., author
    During the academic year of 2021-2022, the Colorado Natural Heritage Program (CNHP) was contracted by CSU Facilities Management to complete a biodiversity survey of the CSU lands. This assessment will be used by Facilities Management to self-report on the Biodiversity component of the Operations category in the STARS (Sustainability, Tracking, Assessment, & Ratings System) report. This report assesses endangered and vulnerable species (including migratory species) on CSU-owned and managed lands and areas of biodiversity importance on CSU-owned and managed lands. An additional aim of this project was to include students in the geospatial analysis, research, and field data collection efforts, thereby lowering project costs and providing mentorship and experience to the students. Biodiversity was assessed through a geospatial environmental review of the properties which includes documented and potential occurrences of regulatory species and other species of concern within the property and a 1-mile buffer, assessment of the conservation areas adjacent to the property and within a buffer, and the diversity and acreage of wetlands and other ecosystem types. The conservation value of each property, based on a Return-on-Investment report, is presented. Geospatial data area used to evaluate climate resiliency and landscape disturbance. Further research into species on the largest and most well-studied properties is presented, along with results of field work. Colorado State University holds 32 individual properties, spanning 14 counties across Colorado, covering a total of 3,943 hectares. Properties held by CSU had 303 documented occurrences of regulatory species and other species of concern within 1 mile returned in the environmental review; additionally, potential habitat was returned for another 2210 regulatory and other species of concern from a combination of range maps, general precision CNHP element occurrence records, and models. Through the many metrics of biodiversity assessed, several properties stood out; these included the Eastern Colorado Research Center, the Mountain Campus, Foothills, Horsetooth, and the Environmental Learning Center. At the Eastern Colorado Research Center, a combination of research field work recorded 187 species as visual observations and/or within a modeled area. At the Mountain Campus, student research and field work recorded a total of 1,044 species as visual observations and/or within a modeled area, with 754 Animalia species, 273 Plantae species and 17 Fungi species. Along with providing information on the biodiversity on the CSU lands, this project provided educational value to CSU students and facilitated the creation of a storymap to showcase the biodiversity of CSU lands to the public and stakeholders. The biodiversity assessment suggests several actions which could be taken to protect, enhance, or restore the biodiversity found on CSU lands and identified properties with possible conservation gains through enhancement and restoration.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Final report: identifying potential landscapes for conservation across the grasslands of North America: integrating keystone species, land use patterns, and climate change to enhance current and future grassland restoration efforts
    (Colorado State University. Libraries, 2022) Davidson, Ana, author; Augustine, David, author; Menefee, Michael, author; Krank, Lindsey Sterling, author; Van Pelt, Bill, author; Brum, Fernanda Thiesen, author; Fink, Michelle, author; Houts, Michae, author; Williamson, Matt A., author
  • ItemOpen Access
    Noxious weed survey and integrated noxious weed management plan: Schriever Air Force Base, El Paso County, CO
    (Colorado State University. Libraries, 2017-05) Smith, Pam, author; Greenwell, Amy, author; Schulz, Keith, author; Colorado Natural Heritage Program, publisher
  • ItemOpen Access
    Amphibian and reptile survey report and management plan for Buckley AFB, Colorado
    (Colorado State University. Libraries, 2011-05-20) Sovell, John, author; Colorado Natural Heritage Program, publisher
  • ItemOpen Access
    Distribution modeling for Colorado SWAP plants of greatest conservation need: interim report - April 2022
    (Colorado State University. Libraries, 2022-04) Decker, K., author; Smith, J. P., author; Handwerk, J., author; Doyle, G., author; Panjabi, S., author; Colorado Natural Heritage Program, publisher
    The revised 2015 Colorado State Wildlife Action Plan (SWAP) includes 117 Plant Species of Greatest Conservation Need (PGCN) in the Rare Plant Addendum (Colorado Parks and Wildlife 2015). These species are ranked globally critically imperiled (G1) or imperiled (G2), at risk throughout their range and under threat of extinction. Known locations of these species are recorded in a statewide geospatial database maintained by the Colorado Natural Heritage Program (CNHP). However, surveys for these species have not been comprehensive, and therefore information on their distribution is incomplete. For this project, models of species distribution were created using information on known locations and species habitat requirements. These distribution models will be included in the conservation data sharing platform, the Colorado Conservation Data Explorer (CODEX), in order to help conserve and protect these PGCN though environmental review and conservation planning.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Noxious weed survey of Peterson Air Force Base, 2020
    (Colorado State University. Libraries, 2021-04) Smith, Pam, author; Baldvins, Tom, author; Greenwell, Amy, author; Colorado Natural Heritage Program, publisher
  • ItemOpen Access
    Colorado wildlife action plan: appendix A: rare plants
    (Colorado State University. Libraries, 2015) Handwerk, Jill, author; Grunau, Lee, author; Spackman-Panjabi, Susan, author; Colorado Natural Heritage Program, publisher
  • ItemOpen Access
    Noxious weed monitoring year 16 at the U.S. Air Force Academy
    (Colorado State University. Libraries, 2021-04) Smith, Pam, author; Greenwell, Amy, author; Colorado Natural Heritage Program, publisher
  • ItemOpen Access
    Noxious weed mapping and monitoring at Francis E. Warren Air Force Base, 2018-2020
    (Colorado State University. Libraries, 2021-04) Smith, Pam, author; Greenwell, Amy, author; Baldvins, Tom, author; Colorado Natural Heritage Program, publisher
  • ItemOpen Access
    Noxious weed monitoring year 15 at the U.S. Air Force Academy
    (Colorado State University. Libraries, 2020-05) Smith, Pam, author; Greenwell, Amy, author; Colorado Natural Heritage Program, publisher
  • ItemOpen Access
    Noxious weed survey of Buckley Air Force Base 2019
    (Colorado State University. Libraries, 2020-04) Smith, Pam, author; Greenwell, Amy, author; Tasker, Lisa, author; Colorado Natural Heritage Program, publisher
  • ItemOpen Access
    Revision of Colorado's floristic quality assessment indices
    (Colorado State University. Libraries, 2020-12) Smith, Pam, author; Doyle, Georgia, author; Lemly, Joanna, author; Colorado Natural Heritage Program, publisher
  • ItemOpen Access
    Biological survey of Golden open space property Jefferson County, Colorado
    (Colorado State University. Libraries, 2021-02) Sovell, John R., author; Panjabi, Susan S., author; Colorado Natural Heritage Program, publisher