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Vegetation sampling of Lesser Prairie Chicken Habitat, Comanche National Grassland




Kuhn, Bernadette, author
Decker, Karin, author
Rondeau, Renée Jane, author
Grunau, Lee, author
Colorado Natural Heritage Program, publisher

Journal Title

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Volume Title


Colorado Natural Heritage Program ecologists and USFS personnel conducted vegetation sampling at the Comanche National Grassland in 2012 in order to assess vegetation on potential Lesser Prairie Chicken (LEPC) habitat. The study was intended to contrast differences between the inside and the outside of long-term cattle-grazing exclosures, and to determine the overall suitability of LEPC habitat in the vicinity of these exclosures. LEPC habitat treated by disk-plowing in recent (2009) exclosures was also evaluated for the effects of this treatment on habitat suitability for LEPC.


Prerpared for: U.S. Forest Service.
February 2013.
Includes bibliographical references (pages 27-28).

Rights Access


Federal Endangered Species Act
Lesser prairie chicken
effect of habitat modification
Tympanuchus pallidicinctus
LEPC habitat
livestock exclosures


Associated Publications
