Management Plans
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The Colorado State Forest Service (CSFS) management plans, 1937-2019 (bulk 1990-2010), consist of nearly 1,000 files for forestry projects managed by the Fort Collins and Boulder offices of the CSFS. The project files are organized by client, typically a landowner. Also included are loose photographs and maps, and two atlases. Much of the collection pertains to grants from the following programs: Emergency Supplemental Funds, State Fire Assistance, Forest Land Enhancement Program, Front Range Fuels Treatment Partnership, Wildland Urban Interface, Stewardship Incentives Plan, and State Lands Work Plans.
Please note that the material in this digital collection is owned by CSFS, and was digitized for online access via CSU Archives & Special Collections. For access to the original materials, please contact the Fort Collins ( or Boulder ( office as appropriate.
The Colorado State University Libraries gratefully acknowledges the support of the Colorado Historical Records Advisory Board, which provided funds to digitize this collection.