Faculty Publications
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Item Open Access CSU electronic theses and dissertations (CSU ETD) data dictionary, version 1.2(Colorado State University. Libraries, 2012-05) Liu, Shu, author; Oehlerts, Beth, authorItem Open Access Evidence-based practice in LIS: the systematic review(Colorado State University. Libraries, 2020) Wiley, Claire Walker, author; Houlihan, Meggan, author; Click, Amanda B., authorThis chapter provides an overview of the method, guidelines for study design, and the lessons we have learned during our own research experiences. Even if a systematic review is not an appealing or appropriate method for some practitioner-researchers, many librarians may find themselves in a support role for a systematic review conducted by other researchers or faculty members. Health sciences librarians and academic librarians are most likely to provide support for this method and may find this chapter particularly useful.Item Open Access Ten years and counting: preserving and sharing Colorado's agricultural history online(Colorado State University. Libraries, 2018) Watson, Renae, J., author; Level, Allison V., author; Oehlerts, Beth, authorColorado State University Libraries (CSUL) supports the preservation of agricultural history, as evidenced by their participation in the Preserving the History of United States Agriculture and Rural Life: State and Local Literature, 1820-1945 project, administered by Cornell University. This article reviews CSUL's work on this preservation project, including digitization of historical agriculture-related documents. CSUL's latest effort to keep agricultural literature relevant and accessible includes moving the Colorado Agriculture Bibliography website to Springshare's LibGuides platform (https://libguides.colostate.edu/agbib). Advantages and challenges of using the LibGuides platform for the promotion and sharing of such collections are discussed.Item Open Access Enrich. Educate. Entertain. Year in review 2005-2006(Colorado State University. Libraries, 2006) Colorado State University. Libraries. Friends of the Library, author; Colorado State University. Libraries, publisherAs the community outreach arm of Colorado State University Libraries, our mission is to connect our community with cultural and artistic programming to enrich, educate, and entertain.Item Open Access A faculty-librarian collaboration success story: implementing a teach-the-teacher library and information literacy instruction model in a first-year agricultural science course(Colorado State University. Libraries, 2017) Gilman, Neyda V., author; Sagàs, Jimena, author; Camper, Matt, author; Norton, Andrew P., author; Johns Hopkins University Press, publisherTeaching information literacy requires a constant and evolving paradigm shift in today's fast-changing technology era. Add to this the intricacy of agricultural science education, and it becomes clear that instructors face challenges teaching the necessary research skills to prepare the next generation of scientists. Two faculty members in Colorado State University's College of Agricultural Sciences identified a need to redesign a core agricultural science course after observing their students struggle with research and writing. These professors improved their course through a redesign program that connected them with librarians. This collaboration led to the creation of a scaffold to help students build information literacy skills through a first-year agricultural science course. In this paper the authors discuss this collaboration, including four key factors to the program's success: a) a faculty-librarian partnership through a learning and teaching institute; b) early exposure to information literacyskills in a first-year agricultural science course; c) the integration of a research guide in a Learning Management System (LMS), and a step-by-step library and information literacy instruction session with a library assignment; and d) a teach-the-teacher model using graduate students from the respective discipline. The authors also analyze student evaluation outcomes and reflect on future improvements.Item Open Access Analysis for science librarians of the 2015 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine: the life and work of William C. Campbell, Satoshi Ōmura, and Youyou Tu(Colorado State University. Libraries, 2016) Gilman, Neyda V., author; Taylor & Francis, publisherParasites affect humans worldwide with varying degrees of seriousness. Some of the most impactful parasitic infections affect millions of people, many of whom are already impoverished and struggling. The discoveries of the 2015 Nobel Laureates in Physiology of Medicine have changed the way some of these serious parasitic infections are treated, saving and improving the lives of countless people. These Laureates are William C. Campbell, Satoshi Ōmura, and Youyou Tu.Item Open Access Analysis for science librarians of the 2014 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine: the life and work of John O'Keefe, Edvard Moser, and May-Britt Moser(Colorado State University. Libraries, 2015) Gilman, Neyda V., author; Taylor & Francis, publisherNavigation and awareness of space is a complicated cognitive process that requires sensory input and calculation, as well as spatial memory. The 2014 Nobel Laureates in Physiology or Medicine, John O'Keefe, Edvard Moser, and May-Britt Moser, have worked to explain how an environmental map forms and is used in the brain (Nobelprize.org 2014b). O'Keefe discovered place cells that allow the brain to learn and remember specific locations. The Mosers added the second part of the "positioning system in the brain" with their discovery of grid cells, which provide the brain with a navigational coordinate system (Nobelprize.org 2014b).Item Open Access Customization of open source applications to support a multi-institution digital repository using DSpace(Colorado State University. Libraries, 2016-05) Benchouaf, Youssef, author; Hamp, Daniel, author; Shelstad, Mark, author; D-Lib Magazine, publisherColorado State University, along with seven other academic institutions and a university press, migrated out of DigiTool to DSpace in the fall of 2015. This article will analyze the customizations made to the application, including assigning multiple handles; automating ingest of electronic theses and dissertations; mapping of multiple schema (METS, MODS, MARC) to Dublin Core; modifying the Simple Archive Format for ingest; Kaltura for ingesting bulk video submissions; and harvesting the OAI feed for CSU's web site, discovery layer, and other repositories. A number of processes for ingest have been automated or made available to non-system staff, resulting in significant cost and time savings.Item Open Access Colorado water history: a bibliography(Colorado State University. Libraries, 2008) Kryloff, Nicolai Alexander, author; Rettig, Patricia J., author; Colorado Water Resources Research Institute, publisherWater is at the heart of Colorado's past and future. Ongoing debates - even lawsuits - regarding water show the importance this vital resource to the state and to the West. Combined with natural disasters such as floods and drought, or human concerns such as pollution and recreation, water issues have drawn an increasing degree of public attention. For water professionals, students, and interested citizens, knowing the history of our water resources can lead to a better understanding of current issues and events. The Colorado Water History Bibliography is a helpful resource for those wanting to learn more about this timely and significant topic. This bibliography is not intended to be comprehensive. Rather, it is a selective listing of core books on the topic that are generally accessible to the public, both in terms of content and availability. In addition to illuminating books already written about Colorado's water, this list reveals areas ripe for research. There are clearly holes in the writings about our state's rich water history, waiting to be filled in by generations of scholars yet to come.Item Open Access Agricultural frontier to electronic frontier: a history of Colorado State University Libraries, 1870-1995(Colorado State University. Libraries, 1996) Ernest, Douglas, 1947-, author; Colorado State University, publisherItem Open Access Origins of libraries in Boulder, Central City, Colorado City, Colorado Springs, and Denver during the period 1860-1905: a paper submitted for History Seminar 658, Department of History(Colorado State University. Libraries, 1974) Ernest, Douglas, 1947-, authorItem Open Access Carnations and the floriculture industry: documenting the cultivation and marketing of flowers in Colorado(Colorado State University. Libraries, 2008) Liu, Shu, author; Meyer, Linda M., author; The Haworth Press, Inc., publisherThe Records of the Colorado Flower Growers Association (CFGA) is an archival collection documenting the association prior to its 1979 name change. The CFGA was founded in 1928 to support the production and marketing of greenhouse flowers grown commercially in the state. In 1979, the organization changed its name to the Colorado Greenhouse Growers Association to reflect the increasing diversification of the industry. The collection consists of documents dated 1928 to 1980 (with the bulk falling between 1958 and 1972), and includes minutes from general, board and committee meetings, correspondence, newsletters, financial reports, scrapbooks, clippings, and photographic materials. This article provides a history of Colorado carnations, information on the collection, and describes a digital project supported by a cooperative agreement between the Agriculture Network Information Center (AgNIC) and the Colorado State University (CSU) Libraries to make a selection of the scrapbooks, clippings, newsletters, and photographic materials available online to researchers through the AgNIC Web site. In addition to providing access to over 500 digital images, project staff developed important metadata to facilitate their discovery, retrieval, and management using the Standard NAL Metadata and the Collaborative Digitization Project (CDP)'s CDP Dublin Core Metadata Best Practices.Item Open Access Interactions: a study of office reference statistics(Colorado State University. Libraries, 2012) Feldmann, Louise Mort, author; Lederer, Naomi, authorObjective -- The purpose of this study was to analyze the data from a reference statistics-gathering mechanism at Colorado State University (CSU) Libraries. It aimed primarily to better understand patron behaviours, particularly in an academic library with no reference desk. Methods -- The researchers examined data from 2007 to 2010 of College Liaison Librarians' consultations with patrons. Data were analyzed by various criteria, including patron type, contact method, and time spent with the patron. The information was examined in the aggregate, meaning all librarians combined, and then specifically from the Liberal Arts and Business subject areas. Results -- The researchers found that the number of librarian reference consultations is substantial. Referrals to librarians from CSU's Morgan Library's one public service desk have declined over time. The researchers also found that graduate students are the primary patrons and email is the preferred contact method overall. Conclusion -- The researchers found that interactions with patrons in librarians' offices - either in person or virtually - remain substantial even without a traditional reference desk. The data suggest that librarians' efforts at marketing themselves to departments, colleges, and patrons have been successful. This study will be of value to reference, subject specialist, and public service librarians, and library administrators as they consider ways to quantify their work, not only for administrative purposes, but in order to follow trends and provide services and staffing accordingly.Item Open Access A usability evaluation of Colorado State University Libraries' digital collections and the Western Waters Digital Library web sites(Colorado State University. Libraries, 2009) Zimmerman, Donald E., author; Bastian, Dawn E. (Dawn Elaine), 1961-, authorTo assess ease of use, 18 participants completed 11 usability tasks for each Web site and then a Web site perception questionnaire. Participants rated both Web sites positively, but 25% and 36% could not complete all tasks; doing so required more than a minute to complete.Item Open Access Perspectives on e-books from instructors and students in the social sciences(Colorado State University. Libraries, 2012) Hoseth, Amy E., author; McLure, Merinda, author; Reference & User Services Quarterly (RUSQ), publisherTo explore attitudes toward e-books, the authors conducted focus groups at Colorado State University with instructors (7) and graduate students (12) from four social science disciplines. Participants provided insights into their use of print and electronic texts, their attitudes toward patron-driven e-book purchasing, potential barriers to e-book use and acceptance, and how they view the academic library within the context of their own research needs. The paper includes a review of relevant literature and use studies. It will be useful to academic librarians and administrators concerned with patron-driven and e-book purchasing.Item Open Access Managing patron-driven acquisitions (PDA) records in a multiple model environment(Colorado State University. Libraries, 2013) Draper, Daniel C., author; Taylor & Francis, publisherAcademic libraries have widely embraced patron-driven acquisition (PDA) models for electronic and print books. Vendors supply title level MARC records to facilitate discovery through library catalogs, and managing these records can be challenging. Colorado State University Libraries (CSUL) implemented four PDA models over the past two years. Since these records constitute a growing portion of the collection, CSUL recognizes the importance of developing careful record management policies and workflows to handle various acquisitions models. In this article the author describes the four PDA models, the cataloging policies and processes, and staffing levels needed for managing the records.Item Open Access Analysis of Readex's Serial Set MARC records: improving the data for the library catalog(Colorado State University. Libraries, 2012) Draper, Daniel C., author; Lederer, Naomi, author; Elsevier, publisherColorado State University Libraries (CSUL) purchased the digitized United States Congressional Serial Set, 1817-1994 and American State Papers (1789-1838) from the Readex Division of NewsBank, inc and, once funds and records were available, the accompanying MARC records. The breadth of information found in the Serial Set is described, along with the difficulties in using the print version (incorporated in the literature review, which includes citations of announcements of the digital collections and reviews of the software). The digital version of the Serial Set has its advantages, but there are additional rewards (much greater discovery opportunities) when items in the digital collection are directly accessible from the library catalog. The purchased MARC records, while overall excellent, had problems that needed to be corrected before they were loaded into CSUL's Innovative Interfaces library catalog. Patron access impact was used as a criterion when determining which of the records would be fixed before loading. High impact problems were identified and solutions derived for: multiple 245 (title) fields; 245 second indicator zero with titles beginning with a, an, or the; dollar sign used in text; fixed field date; languages; subject headings; creating proxy URLs; classification numbers; and author authority control (e.g. corporate entries and presidential entry errors).Item Open Access Duplication of Serial Set publications in the American State Papers: an annotated inventory part II(Colorado State University. Libraries, 2014) Imholtz, August A., author; Draper, Daniel C., author; Conrardy, Alicia, author; American Library Association, publisherThe American State Papers collection of Congressional and Executive Branch publications, which in total number more than 6,300 documents, not only covers the fourteen Congresses before the initiation of the Congressional Serial Set in Dec. 1817 but for the final three-fifths of the collection overlaps chronologically with the first two decades of the Serial Set. Over 2,650 of the American State Papers publications reprint, with some occasional minor alterations and a few major ones, Reports and Documents originally published in the Serial Set. This paper provides for the first time an annotated list of all those duplicated publications.Item Open Access Developing an institutional repository using DigiTool(Colorado State University. Libraries, 2011) Zhou, Yongli, author; Liu, Shu, author; Emerald Group Publishing Limited, publisherThis article aims to inform library professionals on technical issues relating to implementing and using DigiTool, proprietary software by Ex Libris, to develop an institutional repository (IR).Item Open Access What factors influence where researchers deposit their data? A survey of researcher submissions to data repositories(Colorado State University. Libraries, 2015) Swauger, Shea, author; Vision, Todd J., author; University of Edinburgh, publisherIn order to better understand the factors that most influence where researchers deposit their data when they have a choice, we collected survey data from researchers who deposited phylogenetic data in either the TreeBASE or Dryad data repositories. Respondents were asked to rank the relative importance of eight possible factors. We found that factors differed in importance for both TreeBASE and Dryad, and that the rankings differed subtly but significantly between TreeBASE and Dryad users. On average, TreeBASE users ranked the domain specialization of the repository highest, while Dryad users ranked as equal highest their trust in the persistence of the repository and the ease of its data submission process. Interestingly, respondents (particularly Dryad users) were strongly divided as to whether being directed to choose a particular repository by a journal policy or funding agency was among the most or least important factors. Some users reported depositing their data in multiple repositories and archiving their data voluntarily.