Leveraging ensembles: balancing timeliness and accuracy for model training over voluminous datasets
Budgaga, Walid, author
Pallickara, Shrideep, advisor
Pallickara, Sangmi Lee, advisor
Ben-Hur, Asa, committee member
Breidt, F. Jay, committee member
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As data volumes increase, there is a pressing need to make sense of the data in a timely fashion. Voluminous datasets are often high dimensional, with individual data points representing a vector of features. Data scientists fit models to the data—using all features or a subset thereof—and then use these models to inform their understanding of phenomena or make predictions. The performance of these analytical models is assessed based on their accuracy and ability to generalize on unseen data. Several existing frameworks can be used for drawing insights from voluminous datasets. However, there are some inefficiencies associated with these frameworks including scalability, limited applicability beyond a target domain, prolonged training times, poor resource utilization, and insufficient support for combining diverse model fitting algorithms. In this dissertation, we describe our methodology for scalable supervised learning over voluminous datasets. The methodology explores the impact of partitioning the feature space, building models over these partitioned subsets of the data, and their impact on training times and accuracy. Using our methodology, a practitioner can harness a mix of learning methods to build diverse models over the partitioned data. Rather than build a single, all-encompassing model we construct an ensemble of models trained independently over different portions of the dataset. In particular, we rely on concurrent and independent learning from different portions of the data space to overcome the issues relating to resource utilization and completion times associated with distributed training of a single model over the entire dataset. Our empirical benchmarks are performed using datasets from diverse domains, including epidemiology, music, and weather. These benchmarks demonstrate the suitability of our methodology for reducing training times while preserving accuracy in contrast to those obtained from a complex model trained on the entire dataset. In particular, our methodology utilizes resources effectively by amortizing I/O and CPU costs by relying on a distributed environment while ensuring a significant reduction of network traffic during training.
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model ensembles
distributed systems
scalable learning