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The abundance and sources of ice nucleating particles (INPs) within Alaskan ice fog


Fairbanks, Alaska often experiences low visibility due to air pollution. Low wind speeds and strong temperature inversions paired with local emissions from burning of wood, oil, gasoline, and coal lead to wintertime pollution events where concentrations of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) often reach 50 μg m-3, exceeding the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) 24-hour National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) of 35 μg m-3. When temperatures fall below -15°C and sufficient moisture is present, these pollution events can facilitate the formation of ice fog, further worsening air quality and visibility issues for aviation and transportation. The formation of ice crystals from supercooled droplets is aided by a small, but critical, number of aerosol particles that potentially act as ice nucleating particles (INPs). However, studies evaluating the quantities and sources of INPs during ice fog are limited. The Alaskan Layered Pollution and Chemical Analysis (ALPACA) field campaign included the deployment of a suite of atmospheric measurements in January - February 2022 with the goal of better understanding atmospheric processes and pollution under cold and dark conditions. We report on measurements of particle composition, particle size, INP composition, and INP size during an ice fog period (29 January - 3 February). There was a 153% increase in coarse particulate matter (PM10) during the ice fog period, associated with a decrease in air temperature. Results also show a 58% decrease in INPs active at -15°C during the ice fog period, indicating that particles were scavenged by ice fog ice crystals, likely via nucleation. Peroxide and heat treatments were performed on INPs in order to determine the fraction of INPs that were biological, organic, or inorganic. One hypothesis consistent with the results of the peroxide treatments is that more efficient INPs derived from biological materials or organics that typically activate at warmer freezing temperatures may have been depleted during the ice fog event. The reduction in heat-labile INPs during the ice fog event was unexpected for Fairbanks in the winter due to the very low temperatures and limited biological aerosol sources. Aerosol compositional measurements corroborate the presence of INPs from biomass burning and road dust.


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Embargo expires: 05/20/2025.



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