Person-organization fit in the employee selection process: an instructive framework for practitioners and implications for human resource development (HRD)
Mercurio, Zachary A., author
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Leaders in modern organizations seem recently concerned with workforce turnover and strategies for hiring and selecting employees who have a low risk of early departure. The concept of screening employees for "fit" with the organization as a key strategy for reducing turnover is well documented. However, communication of the research findings to practitioners is limited. Additionally, the role of Human Resource Development (HRD) in developing people and preparing the organization to implement P-O fit strategies remains relatively understudied. To contribute to the P-O fit literature and HRD, this article performs an integrative literature review on P-O fit with a specific focus on organizational selection processes. An integrated process model for using P-O fit in the organizational selection process is presented.
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person-organization fit
employee fit
employee selection