Nature's impact on tomorrow's youth: cognitive and non-cognitive factors affecting youth connection to nature and environmental stewardship
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This dissertation investigates the developmental trajectory of nature connection and its implications for environmental stewardship. While previous research has examined these relationships, few studies have analyzed both the cognitive and non-cognitive dimensions of connection to nature among youth. This study explores the capacity to develop this connection, identifying cognitive and non-cognitive components and their association with environmental stewardship. The findings support existing literature linking higher levels of nature connection to increased engagement in environmental stewardship. Path analysis examined direct and indirect effects of connection to nature, revealing how cognitive and non-cognitive factors significantly contribute to environmental stewardship. These findings contribute to an understanding of the mechanisms underlying connection to nature. Addressing disparities in access to nature experiences among youth populations is crucial for promoting lifelong environmental stewardship and ensuring environmental justice. Overall, this dissertation advances knowledge on nature connection in childhood and its implications for environmental sustainability.
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connection to nature
environmental stewardship