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About Papilio (New Series)




Scott, James A., author
James A. Scott, publisher

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This entomology journal is a scientific journal that covers the systematics and taxonomy and biology of butterflies, mostly from Colorado. There are about 700 species of butterflies in North America, and about 270 in Colorado, and new discoveries are made every year on the Colorado species. Systematics is the study of the kinds of butterflies that exist on our planet, and taxonomy involves the names of butterflies, including the description and naming of species new to science. The word Papilio comes from the scientific name Papilio of Swallowtail Butterflies, very large butterflies common in Colorado. I started Papilio (New Series) in 1981 when I was working on a book on the biology of North American butterflies for Stanford Univ. Press (see Scott 1986 in the list of publications below) and found several dozen butterflies that needed to be in the book but lacked names, so I decided to name them in one publication rather than go through the onerous process of getting several dozen separate papers published.


Includes bibliographical references.

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