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Annmarie Carlson: capstone




Carlson, Annmarie, artist and filmmaker

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The artist's statement: Art for me has always been about interpreting and communicating the world I see around me as well as finding innovative techniques to do so. Interactivity is what has drawn me to Electronic Art. At first my work was focused on how my audience interacted with the finished work, but I found a very unique enjoyment with how I interact with my work as I am moving through the artistic process. I have found this intrigue specifically when working with different forms of animation. I have explored many methods of animation, including 2D, 3D, frame-by-frame, and in-betweening. Hand drawn, frame-by-frame 2D animation has been by far the most rewarding, but 3D animation is what excites me the most. The way you can digitally mold a shape and animate it into a lively character is like nothing I have ever experienced before. I have also found an immense amount of satisfaction when conquering a learning curve such as understanding how to navigate the digital space through the in-program camera. I find so much inspiration from artists such as Emily Gobeille, who's unique work creates a fun word to play in while also educating her audience. Ideally, I too would like to find new and innovative ways to bring awareness of important issues to my communities. I look forward to the future of my artistic style. I believe that my fascination with innovation will continue to open up new doors full of new ideas. I know I will always find enjoyment through the process of animation.


Colorado State University Art and Art History Department capstone project.
Capstone contains the artist's statement, a list of works, images of works, link to HTML coding, and videos.
Video has no spoken word.

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electronic art


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