Design exploration and optimization of silicon photonic integrated circuits under fabrication-process variations
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Silicon photonic integrated circuits (PICs) have become a key solution to handle the growing demands of large data transmission in emerging applications by consuming less power and low heat dissipation while offering ultra-high data bandwidth than electronic circuits. With Moore's Law slowing down and the end of Dennard scaling, PICs offer a logical step to improve data movement and processing performance in future computing systems. On PICs, light is processed and routed by means of optical waveguides. Silicon has a unique feature of high refractive index contrast in the silicon-on-insulator (SOI) platform which allows for tight confinement of light in nanometer waveguide cores and bends with a radius of only a few microns. PICs comprise of a diverse set of elements such as waveguide splitters, combiners, crossings, and couplers which help with distribution, routing, and computation of optical signals. Optical signals are converted to electrical signals with the help of photodiodes which in silicon photonics are implemented using Germanium. To enable PICs for wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM), there is a need for efficient wavelength filters consisting of optical delay lines or resonators. Optical delay lines are usually built using Mach-Zehnder Interferometers (MZIs) which consists of a splitter, two waveguides with a given group delay, and a combiner. Other devices such as microring resonators (MRRs) can be used as wavelength filters when the input wavelength matches a whole multiple times in the circumference of the ring. Other components such as grating coupler help couple the light into and out of a PIC. PICs can be fabricated on the infrastructure developed for complimentary metal–oxide–semiconductor (CMOS) electronics. This technology now enables deep submicron features with unprecedented accuracy in large volumes along with close integration of photonics and electronic circuits. The use of silicon as a base material makes reuse of these manufacturing tools possible, but photonics imposes different demands on the processes. Although silicon photonics offers data transmission and computation at light speed with high bandwidth and low power consumption, the fundamental building blocks in PICs (e.g., optical waveguides) are extremely sensitive to nanometer-scale fabrication-process variations (FPVs) caused due to slight randomness in optical lithography processes. Active compensation by means of electronic circuits (a.k.a. tuning) is necessary to compensate for FPVs. Tunable microheaters can be used for active compensation which affect the material properties of silicon to improve PIC's performance under FPVs. However, the total power consumed due to tuning in a working PIC can be drastically high. For example, variations as small as 1 nm in an MRR can deviate the optical frequency response of the device by 2 nm that leads to approximately 25% increase in the tuning power consumption to compensate for variations of a single MRR. Additionally, a system can have thousands of such MRRs that can easily add up the total power consumption of the system. In order to address FPVs we need to observe the reliability not just at a system level but down to the device level by enabling reliable, FPV-aware devices to enable FPV-resilient PICs and photonic systems. Designing more reliable and FPV-tolerant photonic devices should not only help us with reducing the total power consumption but also build more reliable circuits with fault-free operational behavior for data transmission and computation in future computing systems. This PhD thesis covers the impact of process variations on photonic devices primarily MRRs. We take a bottom-up approach in improving the reliability of an MRR towards FPVs. We propose an improved and optimized MRR designs which can be used in any PIC to reduce the overall shift in resonant wavelength of the device due to FPVs, further reducing the total power consumption required to tune the device. We confirmed our findings by further fabricating such MRRs and comparing the improved and optimized designs against conventional MRRs. Furthermore, we study the impact these improved MRRs have in photonic artificial intelligence (AI) accelerators and how they can further improve the network accuracy and overall power consumption. Finally, we also compile our work into a device exploration tool that allows photonic designer to set design parameters in an MRR and study its behavior under different FPV profiles. With this tool we aim to give the designer the ability to determine desired MRR designs based on desired design and performance requirements and budget constraints set on a photonic system.