Polarimetric radar studies of atmospheric ice particles
Meischner, Peter F., author
Hagen, Martin, author
Bringi, V. N., author
Vivekanandan, J., author
IEEE, publisher
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Single scattering properties of ice crystals are described at microwave frequencies using discrete dipole approximations and Rayleigh scattering techniques. For a given shape, the average bulk densities of ice crystals can be estimated using the ratio of the copolarized radar signal in a linear (horizontal, vertical) polarization basis. Reflectivity depends on the ice content (g • m-3), and also on both size distribution parameters and average bulk density of the scatterers. Differential propagation phase is primarily a function of shape, ice water content, and is independent of size distribution parameters. Thus, by using a combination of polarimetric radar measurements, average ice content, bulk density, and shape of distributed scatterers can be inferred. These techniques become quite complex in the case of a winter storm where scatterers can exist with varying shape and bulk densities. Polarimetric radar properties of such complex distributed scatterers are modeled. Physical variations in the relation among ice water content, reflectivity, and differential propagation phase are considered with respect to change in the shape of size distribution, bulk density, and average shape of the scatterers. Also, simultaneous polarimetric radar observations and in situ aircraft measurements are shown to demonstrate practical applicability of the techniques.
Rights Access
remote sensing by radar
tropospheric electromagnetic wave propagation
radiowave propagation
remote sensing