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Taylor Heir: capstone




Heir, Taylor, artist

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The artist's statement: A sculpture is the result of manipulating ideas and materials in a physical procedure carried out over a significant stretch of time. As I execute this procedure, ideas develop, intentions change and the work slowly decides how it wants to evolve. Suddenly my broad plan to simply make something interesting has taken on a life of its own as I sift through endless waves of good and bad ideas. These ideas emanate from the piece and increase in intensity as the process goes on. Focusing on the physicality and tangibility of sculpture, my work relies on the explorative aspects of the process to reach the final product. As I develop a sculpture I am continuously making decisions that forever decide the outcome of the piece and trust in my intuition to guide me through uncertainty. Like forks in a road I work my way through these decisions slowly as the path ahead becomes more narrow and clear. Soon enough, I reach a point where the uncertainty fades and I can anticipate the exact route I want to take to pull my work together.


Colorado State University Art and Art History Department capstone project.
Capstone contains the artist's statement, a list of works, and images of works.

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