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Mapping the journey toward the principalship: a mixed methods design


The intent of this study is to learn about principal intern perceptions of their grasp of the eleven identified state principal standards for Colorado. Three components of principal preparation programs were isolated for this study: standards, internships, and reflection. Journey Mapping, "a real-time internet-based reporting system that promotes reflective practice and continuous learning for students" (Westmoreland, 2003, p.1), supported the reflective process and data collection. Principal interns logged on at regular intervals and completed open-ended questions (identifying successes, challenges and concerns) and rated themselves on their knowledge of principal standards on a six-point scale. Longitudinal data from two academic years and three principal cohorts were collected. The design was a concurrent triangulation mixed methods design (QUANT + QUAL). The quantitative analysis for this inquiry was a non-experimental comparative approach. The qualitative analysis was done using template analysis. Matrices were created using computer assisted qualitative data analysis software, which aided in the mixed analysis. Data were analyzed based on time of journal entry (initial, mid-year, and final), gender, and years of experience. A statistically significant difference for initial to mid-year and mid-year to final scores was found. There was not a statistically significant difference between male and female participants and their overall scores. A mixed ANOVA also showed a statistically significant increase of scores over time, however, the other factors, years of experience and gender, were not found to have a significant interaction with overall scores. All standards were addressed throughout the journal entries under specific categories: successes, challenges, and concerns. While there were a few areas of improvement discovered (e.g. more practice with Supervision of Personnel and Resources), this analysis revealed the increased knowledge gained during the principal internship. Several standards; Foundations of Leadership, Contextual Understanding, Planning and Organization, Management and Evaluation of Instruction, and Supervision of Student Conduct, were especially strengths gained from the internships. Few differences were discovered through the narratives for gender. Challenges varied for the different levels of experience, but not for successes or concerns. Results of this study revealed the value of the combination of internships, standards, and reflection in preparing future principals.


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mixed methods
principal preparation
school administration
school principals
educational administration


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