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Correcting C-band radar reflectivity and differential reflectivity data for rain attenuation: a self-consistent method with constraints




Chandrasekar, V., author
Keenan, T. D., author
Bringi, V. N., author
IEEE, publisher

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Quantitative use of C-band radar measurements of reflectivity (Zh) and differential reflectivity (Zdr) demands the use of accurate attenuation-correction procedures, especially in convective rain events. With the availability of differential phase measurements (Φdp) with a dual-polarized radar, it is now possible to improve and stabilize attenuation-correction schemes over earlier schemes which did not use Φdp. The recent introduction of constraint-based correction schemes using Φdp constitute an important advance [8], [9]. In this paper, a self-consistent, constraint-based algorithm is proposed and evaluated which extends the previous approaches in several important respects. Radar data collected by the C-POL radar during the South China Sea Monsoon Experiment (SCSMEX) are used to illustrate the correction scheme. The corrected radar data are then compared against disdrometer-based scattering simulations, the disdrometer data being acquired during SCSMEX. A new algorithm is used to retrieve the median volume diameter from the corrected Zh, corrected Zdr, and Kdp radar measurements which is relatively immune to the precise drop axis ratio versus drop diameter relation. Histograms of the radar-retrieved Do compared against Do from disdrometer data are in remarkable good agreement lending further validity to the proposed attenuation-correction scheme, as well as to confidence in the use of C-band radar for the remote measurement of rain microphysics.


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