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Trust threads: minimal provenance and data publication and reuse




Plale, Beth, author
Colorado State University, publisher

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Presented at the National data integrity conference: enabling research: new challenges & opportunities held on May 7-8, 2015 at Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado. Researchers, administrators and integrity officers are encountering new challenges regarding research data and integrity. This conference aims to provide attendees with both a high level understanding of these challenges and impart practical tools and skills to deal with them. Topics will include data reproducibility, validity, privacy, security, visualization, reuse, access, preservation, rights and management.
Beth A. Plale is the Director, Data to Insight Center, Managing Director, Pervasive Technology Institute and a Professor, School of Informatics and Computing Indiana University. Dr. Plale has broad research and governance interest in information, in long-term preservation and access to scientific data, and in enabling computational access to large and complex data for broader use. Her specific research interest are in metadata and data provenance, trusted data repositories and enclaves, data analysis and text mining of big data, and workflow systems. Plale teaches in the Data Science Program at Indiana University Bloomington. She is deeply engaged in interdisciplinary research and education and has substantive experience in developing stable and useable scientific cyberinfrastructure.
PowerPoint presentation given on May 8, 2015.

Rights Access


data provenance
data publishing
data preservation
data archiving
data sharing


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