Unconventional oil and gas development and student performance on standardized tests
Koss, Gal, author
Suter, Jordan, advisor
Mannings, Dale, advisor
Zimmerle, Dan, committee member
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This paper evaluates the impacts of unconventional oil and gas extraction on academic achievement. The preparation, drilling, and fracturing of oil and gas wells has been found to create air and noise pollution—which can have negative effects on cognitive performance. Analyzing public school standardized test scores in Colorado, we find that additional drilling activity within 3 km of schools before tests decreases the portion of students who meet statewide standards by 0.75 percentage points, implying 1,857 fewer students met expectations statewide over the analysis period or 1.28% of all students who failed to meet expectations at treated schools. These findings impact how we view the scope of externalities from oil and gas development and informs the ongoing policy debate about minimum distance requirements between new wells and schools.
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natural resource economics
student performance
oil and gas