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Performance-base seismic design of woodframe buildings using non-linear time history analysis




Liu, Hongyan, author
van de Lindt, John W., advisor
Criswell, Marvin E., committee member
Heyliger, Paul R., committee member
Senior, Bolivar, committee member

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Performance-based seismic design (PBSD) is a developing design methodology in the modern seismic design and research community and has already been applied to concrete and steel structures. However, the application to woodframe buildings, which represents the vast majority of the residential building stock in North America, is still under early stage of development. The total economic loss directly connected with woodframe structures was more than $20 billion after the 1994 Northridge earthquake in California. This lesson provided the impetus for both engineers and researchers to realize that seismic design should focus on system behavior during an earthquake event instead of just at the component behavior, in other words, explicitly considering system behavior and performance of a structure. The current focus in force-based design philosophy for wood looks at the component level and then makes the assumption that system performance is ensured by the component design. Because of the limitations in current design methodology and concerns of system level performance, the concept of PBSD is being adapted and applied to woodframe buildings. The ultimate goal of this study is to develop a generalized PBSD procedure that can provide a specific level of performance for woodframe buildings under prescribed earthquake loading levels. In order to achieve this goal, this study focuses on four objectives. The first objective is to develop a conceptual PBSD procedure suitable for woodframe buildings. This includes defining the performance expectations at system level with explicit probability measures, choosing an appropriate format for the design requirements, deciding on the numerical tools and steps to determine the design that satisfies these design requirements. The second objective is to improve the existing numerical model and include base isolation device as an option to woodframe buildings for the PBSD. This task involves numerical modeling and experimental testing of friction pendulum sliding bearing base isolation devices on the shake table at CSU. The third objective is to apply the proposed design procedure to realistic building designs. This includes several design examples in this study having different floor plans from low-rise to mid-rise buildings. The examples included in this study cover several typical floor plans in the U.S. for residential buildings. The design example also includes the use of FP base isolation on a mid-rise woodframe structure. Finally, the last objective of this study is to develop a simplified design procedure that can be used by average engineers without using advanced structural models and non-linear time history analysis. This was accomplished by developing the design tables that are generated through simplified models using non-linear time history analysis. The results are checked with full simulation thereby validating the approach. The most significant anticipated contribution of this study to the woodframe design and research communities will be the development of a generalized PBSD and is only applied to a limited number of examples in this dissertation, the format of this procedure was based on and improved from the current state-of-the-research and can be extended to many different situations including base isolation as demonstrated herein. The simplified design procedure and the format of the design table is a good candidate for incorporation of PBSD into design practice because of the prescriptive approach.


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Earthquake resistant design
Buildings -- Earthquake effects
Wooden-frame buildings


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