Differential carrier lifetime in oxide-confined vertical cavity lasers obtained from electrical impedance measurements
Lear, Kevin L., author
Temkin, H., author
Kuksenkov, D. V., author
Giudice, G. E., author
American Institute of Physics, publisher
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Differential carrier lifetime measurements were performed on index-guided oxide-confined vertical cavity surface emitting lasers operating at 980 nm. Lifetimes were extracted from laser impedance measurements at subthreshold currents, with device size as a parameter, using a simple small-signal model. The carrier lifetimes ranged from 21 ns at 9 µA, to about 1 ns at a bias close to threshold. For a 6 × 6 µm2 oxide aperture device the threshold carrier density was nth ~ 2 × 1018cm-3. The effect of carrier diffusion was also considered. An ambipolar diffusion coefficient of D ~ 11 cm2s-1 was obtained.
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carrier lifetime
surface emitting lasers
carrier density
carrier mobility