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Horizontal and vertical forest complexity interact to influence potential fire behavior

dc.contributor.authorRitter, Scott Michael, author
dc.contributor.authorHoffman, Chad, advisor
dc.contributor.authorBattaglia, Michael, committee member
dc.contributor.authorMell, William, committee member
dc.contributor.authorEx, Seth, committee member
dc.contributor.authorJathar, Shantanu, committee member
dc.description.abstractWildland fire behavior is a dynamic process controlled by complex interactions among fuels, weather, and topography. There is significant need to better understand the role of fuels and, particularly, complex arrangements of fuels, on potential fire behavior and effects as a there is a growing emphasis on forest treatments that emulate the heterogenous structures of historical forest ecosystems. Ideally such treatments are intended to reduce fire hazard while concurrently improving resilience to a wide range of disturbance agents and restoring the natural ecosystem dynamics that maintained these forest structures. One way to evaluate how the complex forest structures created by these treatments will influence fire behavior are modeling approaches that account for dynamic interactions between fire, fuels, and wind. These physical fire models build from computational fluid dynamics methods to include processes of heat transfer, vegetative fuel dehydration and pyrolysis, and gas phase ignition and combustion. In this work, several aspects of horizontal and vertical forest structure were evaluated to understand how spatial complexity influences fire behavior, with a particular emphasis on the transition of a surface fire into tree crowns. I used a combination of spatially explicit field data and a physics-based wildfire model, the Wildland-Urban Interface Fire Dynamics Simulator (WFDS), to deepen our fundamental understanding of fire behavior, inform the design of forest treatments that aim to achieve a variety of ecological and social objectives, and develop hypotheses related to the pattern-process feedbacks that contributed to the maintenance of resilient forests across millennia. Chapter 2 presents a simulation study focused on the relationship between horizontal forest structure and surface to crown heat transfer and crown fire initiation. The results indicated that relative to larger 7- and 19-tree groups, isolated individual trees and 3-tree groups had greater convective cooling and reduced canopy heat flux. Because isolated individuals and 3-tree groups were exposed to less thermal energy, they required a greater surface fireline intensity to initiate torching and had less crown consumption than trees within larger groups. Similarly, I found that increased crown separation distance between trees reduced the net heat flux leading to reduced ignition potential. These findings identify the potential physical mechanisms responsible for supporting the complex forest structures typical of high-frequency fire regimes and may be useful for managers designing fuel hazard reduction and ecological restoration treatments. Chapter 3 extends chapter 2 by investigating how different levels and types of vertical heterogeneity influence crown fire transition and canopy consumption within tree groups. These results show the importance of fuel stratum gap (or canopy base height) on vertical fire propagation, however vertical fire propagation was mediated by the level of horizontal connectivity in the upper crown layers. This suggests that the fuel stratum gap cannot fully characterize the torching hazard. The results also indicate that as the surface fire line intensity increases, the influence of horizontal connectivity on canopy consumption is amplified. At the scale of individual tree groups, the perceived hazard of small, understory trees and vertical fuel continuity may be offset by lower horizontal continuity (or canopy bulk density) within the midstory and overstory crown layers. Chapter 4 compares outcomes from four real-world forest treatments that cover a range of potential treatment approaches to evaluate their impacts of forest spatial pattern and potential fire behavior. My results indicate that restoration treatments created greater vertical and horizontal structural complexity than the fuel hazard reduction treatments but resulted in similar reductions to potential fire severity. However, the restoration treatments did increase the surface fire rate of spread which suggests some potential fire behavior tradeoffs among treatment approaches. Overall, these results suggest the utility of restoration treatments in achieving a wide range of management objectives, including fire hazard reduction, and that they can be used in concert with traditional fuel hazard reduction treatments to reduce landscape scale fire risk. Together this work shows that tree spatial pattern can significantly influence crown fire initiation and canopy consumption through alterations to net heat transfer and feedbacks among closely spaced trees. At the scale of the tree group these results suggest that larger tree groups may sustain higher levels of canopy consumption and mortality as they are easier to ignite and, in cases with small separation between crowns, can sustain horizontal spread resulting in density-depended crown damage. These findings carry over to vertically complex groups where the spatial relationship between small, understory trees and larger, overstory trees has a large impact on the ability of fire to be carried vertically. Further, in these vertically complex groups reducing the density (and/or increasing the horizontal separation) of the overstory trees, resulted in lower rates of crown fuel consumption, therefore, mitigating some of the "laddering" effect caused by the presence of small understory trees. These complex interactions between vertical and horizontal aspects of stand structure were born out in my evaluation of the measured forest treatments, where similar crown fire behavior reductions were observed across various stand structures. Overall, this work shows that forest managers can apply treatments to achieve a wide range of ecological benefits while simultaneously increasing fire resistance and resilience.
dc.format.mediumborn digital
dc.format.mediumdoctoral dissertations
dc.publisherColorado State University. Libraries
dc.rightsCopyright and other restrictions may apply. User is responsible for compliance with all applicable laws. For information about copyright law, please see
dc.subjectfire modeling
dc.subjectforest structure
dc.subjectcrown fire
dc.subjectspatial pattern
dc.titleHorizontal and vertical forest complexity interact to influence potential fire behavior
dcterms.rights.dplaThis Item is protected by copyright and/or related rights ( You are free to use this Item in any way that is permitted by the copyright and related rights legislation that applies to your use. For other uses you need to obtain permission from the rights-holder(s). and Rangeland Stewardship State University of Philosophy (Ph.D.)


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