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Use of a rock ramp for grade control - Dueñas Bridge case




Kuroiwa, Julio M., author
Mansen, Alfredo J., author
Rodriguez, Edgar, author
Colorado State University, publisher

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In October 2001, and inspector from Inversiones Metropolitanas (INVERMET – a Lima city agency) discovered that significant scour had occurred underneath the right abutment of Dueñas Bridge. The bridge designers as well as a team of experts was invited to solve the problem. The authors accepted the invitation to participate in the solution. During the course of the investigation, it was evident that the rive morphology had changed dramatically since the construction of the bridge. A rock ramp was proposed to stabilize the stream at the Dueñas Bridge. This structure has been in service for three years now. This paper deals with the findings of the authors with respect to the evolution of the river morphology and the temporary solution that was adopted for protecting the bridge's foundation.


24th annual AGU hydrology days was held at Colorado State University on March 10-12, 2004.
Includes bibliographical references.

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