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C and N dynamics between grass litter, soil and the atmosphere determined using isotope tracing




Cotrufo, Francesca
Soong, Jennifer

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Zip file includes: mostly numerical data in Excel spreadsheet format.
Metadata describing the data will be created in Ecological Metadata Language. A data package, including the data values and a metadata file, will be co-located within a landing page, which will be assigned a persistent identifier from and include suggested citation verbiage. Data and metadata collected from the Konza LTER site will be harvested programmatically by the Long-Term Ecological Research Network Information System (, for use within data analysis and synthesis applications developed by the LTER community.
Department of Soil & Crop Sciences
Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory (NREL)

Rights Access



Associated Publications

Cotrufo, M.F., Nguyen, T., Soong, J., Vandegehuchte, M.L., Denef, K., Shaw, E.A., Sylvain, Z.A., Milano de Tomasel, C., Nielsen, U.N. & Wall, D.H. (2014) Naphthalene addition to soil surfaces: a feasible method to suppress soil micro-arthropods with negligible direct effects on soil C dynamics. Applied Soil Ecology, 74, 21-29.
Soong, Jennifer L. Moving beyond mass loss: advancing understanding about the fate of decomposing leaf litter and pyrogenic organic matter in the mineral soil. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Colorado State University, 2014.