Dataset associated with "Understanding the response of tropical ascent to warming using an energy balance framework"
Jenney, Andrea
Randall, David
Branson, Mark
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Previous work has established that warming is associated with an increase in dry static stability, a weakening of the tropical circulation, and a decrease in the lower-tropospheric convective mass flux. Using both idealized and realistic global warming simulations with super-parameterized convection, we find that the weakening of the tropical circulation can occur at the same time as a strengthening of middle- and upper-tropospheric convective mass flux. Our analysis shows that this strengthening results from changes in the stratiform heating and "environmental" vertical motion that are found in the spaces between the convective clouds.
Monthly-mean history file output in netcdf format from three different sets of Community Earth System Model (CESM) simulations all run with super-parameterized (SP) cloud physics: 1) Idealized aquaplanet simulations run for ~3 simulated years: a) constant sea surface temperature (SST) of 295K; b) constant sea surface temperature (SST) of 300K; c) constant sea surface temperature (SST) of 305K; 2) Real world simulations: a) Pre-industrial (PI) carbon dioxide levels; b) 4xPI carbon dioxide levels. We also include a sampling of daily-mean data for all five simulations. **simulation name prefixes**: 1a) QPC4_295k; 1b) QPC4_300k; 1c) QPC4_305k; 2a) spcesm_cam5_control; 2b) spcesm_cam5_4xCO2.
Department of Atmospheric Science
Department of Atmospheric Science
Rights Access
Associated Publications
Jenney, A. M., Randall, D. A., & Branson, M. (2020). Understanding the response of tropical ascent to warming using an energy balance framework. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 12,e2020MS002056.