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Brady Dilworth: capstone




Dilworth, Brady, artist and filmmaker

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The artist's statement: Why do I create art? The simplest answer to this answer is because I enjoy it. I love the process, I love the end result and it makes other people happy. I have no hidden agenda behind my art, no secret meaning or tricks. I don't look to change someone's life or get them to do something. My art is there to make people happy and to make me happy, and that's what is important. When looking at other people's art some of the first things that come to my mind is how did they create that, and why did they create that? This is what interests me the most when creating my art. I get excited thinking about how I'm going to create something; I'm I going to use this material or that material, in most cases it's what software or electronic device I'll get to use. If I get to learn something new in creating the art piece, like new software or about myself, then I feel the art piece will be all the better for it. There is a lot to see in something simple and sometimes less is more and I have based a lot of my art on this idea. So much can be said in a line or a color and the more you add the harder it is for that one line or color to tell its story. I want that line or color to have a chance to tell its story. This can change depending on context, sometimes all of the lines or all the different colors have the same thing to say and so the message won't get lost. Also just as much work can go into deciding where one line should go then hundred lines. Also keeping it simple or focused can keep me from losing what the piece about. Art for me is something I do because it's creative. I'm never doing the same thing twice. Each art piece, whether it's creating an animation or making a poster or whatever, is unique and has its own challenges for me to overcome. Art will always be part of my life and I want to share it with others.


Colorado State University Art and Art History Department capstone project.
Capstone contains the artist's statement, description of work, images of works and videos.
Video has no spoken word.
Accessibility features: Video description.
Video description: The theme of the animation is of the old story telling trope of the hero’s journey. The main character travels across the land scape and fights a dragon. Afterwards the king rewards him with a scepter and the main character travels back to his home where his loved one waits for him. (Source: Artist's description of work.)

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electronic art


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