Decker, K., authorSmith, J. P., authorFink, J., authorHandwerk, J., authorDoyle, G., authorPanjabi, S. S., authorColorado Natural Heritage Program, publisher2023-04-062023-04-062023 bibliographical references.Final report.Species distribution models for 81 of the 117 plant species listed in the Rare Plant Addendum of the Colorado State Wildlife Action Plan (CPW 2015) were created using information on known locations and species habitat requirements. These distribution models have been included in the conservation data sharing platform, the Colorado Conservation Data Explorer (CODEX), to help conserve and protect these Plants of Greatest Conservation Need (PGCN) through environmental review and conservation planning. Expert review of species distribution models was solicited from regional botanists; Forty-six individual botanists reviewed a total of 75 species distribution models, with a total of 113 reviews. Over 80% of reviews concluded that the model in question was in the "Reasonable" or higher level of overall correctness. Also included in this report are results of a pilot project to predict changes in suitable habitat under two potential future climate scenarios for Astragalus microcymbus, Astragalus osterhoutii, Draba smithii, Eutrema penlandii, Frasera coloradensis and Ipomopsis polyantha. The modeling work of this project amplifies our knowledge, building upon decades of field work preserved in CNHP's database, and advances our understanding of species habitat.born digitalreportsengCopyright and other restrictions may apply. User is responsible for compliance with all applicable laws. For information about copyright law, please see speciesextinctionColoradoconservationprotectionDistribution modeling for Colorado SWAP plants of greatest conservation needText