Lindsten, Scott, authorGravdahl, John, advisorLundberg, Thomas R., committee memberReid, Louann, committee memberKwiatkowski, Ronald W., committee member2016-07-272016-07-272000 at the end of the twentieth century became engulfed by theory. In the wake of such movements as poststructuralism, deconstructionism, and postmodernism, came a reexamination of aesthetics which incorporated an ever-broadening intellectual discourse. Many of these theories have their conception in the realm of linguistics, and language itself begins to exert its ascendency on other fields of study-indeed, on reality itself. This written accompaniment to my thesis art exhibit examines the complex, sometimes oppressive, sometimes sublime, nature of words and language and their effects on my approach to art.masters thesesengCopyright and other restrictions may apply. User is responsible for compliance with all applicable laws. For information about copyright law, please see -- TerminologyGloss: an incomplete glossaryText