Bamesberger, Carla, author2017-11-132017-11-132017 results are preliminary, part of an ongoing content analysis study.Deficiencies in literacy skills cause students to struggle in all academic content areas, but students are able to apply similar literacy skills when consuming entertainment media. This content analysis examines pop culture texts, specifically animated cartoons, in order to determine the quantity of literacy skills required to comprehend the narrative and assess the potential value that these texts offer to the realm of literacy education. The content analysis focused on assessing how frequently inference skills and stated information about main ideas and supporting details occur in cartoons by looking at 10 animated cartoons from Cartoon Network’s 2016 lineup. Preliminary results suggest that cartoons could offer something to literacy education if treated as major classroom texts.born digitalStudent workspostersengCopyright and other restrictions may apply. User is responsible for compliance with all applicable laws. For information about copyright law, please see literacy textscartoon literacyreading skillscritical thinkingtext comprehensioneducationliteracy educationpop culture classroomUnlocking educational entertainment: a content analysis of literacy skills evident in animated cartoons027 - Carla Mayzie BamesbergerEvidence of reading comprehension strategies in adult and non-adult- oriented cartoonsText