Tomasel, F. G., authorMarconi, Mario Carlos, authorRocca, Jorge J., authorIEEE, publisher2007-01-032007-01-031993Rocca, Jorge J., Mario C. Marconi, and F. G. Tomasel, Study of the Soft X-Ray Emission from Carbon Ions in a Capillary Discharge, IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 29, no. 1 (January 1993): 182-191. soft x-ray emission from plasma produced in polyacetal and polyethylene capillary discharges excited by current pulses 100 ns full-width half-maximum (FWHM), 50 ns risetime, and peak currents up to 60 kA has been studied. Time-resolved spectra show that intense Cᴠɪ line emission dominates in the polyethylene discharges, peaking shortly after the maximum of the current and vanishing before the end of the current pulse. Polyacetal capillary spectra are dominated by Oᴠɪ lines and show weak Cᴠɪ emission. Plasma density and temperature for the polyethylene discharge were derived from the Stark broadening of Cᴠɪ Balmer lines and the relative intensities of Cᴠɪ and Cᴠ lines. A short (5 ns FWHM) pulse of energetic beam electrons was detected in coincidence with the onset of the discharge. The results are discussed in relation to the possibility of obtaining soft x-ray amplification by plasma recombination in a capillary discharge plasma column.born digitalarticleseng©1993 IEEE.Copyright and other restrictions may apply. User is responsible for compliance with all applicable laws. For information about copyright law, please see lasersx-ray emission spectra of atomsdischarges (electric)positive ionsStark effectStudy of the soft x-ray emission from carbon ions in a capillary dischargeText