Manning, Taryn, artist2015-09-292015-09-292014 State University Art Department capstone project.Capstone contains the artist's statement, a list of works, and images of works.The artist's statement: Graphic design has been my passion starting at a young age. Through my education I have developed my skills and creativity at every opportunity. My works show how diverse designs can be varying with concept and purpose. I begin each project by sketching and developing my ideas. From a basic magazine layout to branding an identity, I create something different and unique to each design. I get my inspiration from everything that is around me, it allows me to bring my own experiences and show them in an art form. I enjoy starting with a logo and being able to use that concept as inspiration for the next piece. In bodies of work, they relate to each other yet still individualized. I also love making posters that will get a message to the viewer. Posters are a huge part of marketing and getting the word out in any area, and if I can reach the desired audience, I've done a part to help. In design, I use different elements and techniques of art history and combining them. There are infinite possibilities with colors, shapes, textures and type that can enhance the overall design. Using hand-done typography is a favorite because it brings my personality. Hand-done type in my designs makes the end result one of a kind. All my decisions are made for a reason and when the components of a design all balance together in harmony, I know it's complete.Student worksengCopyright and other restrictions may apply. User is responsible for compliance with all applicable laws. For information about copyright law, please see Manning: capstoneStillImage