Simeone, William E., authorUniversity of Alaska Press, publisher2023-09-272023-09-272023 volume conveys the history and knowledge of Dene elders. Oral accounts reveal a unique perspective and offer commentary on continuity and change over the past hundred years. These narratives, along with photographs and illustrations, show the history of the region alongside a portrait of the people themselves.--Provided by publisher.Living from the Land -- Life on the Land: The Seasonal round 1910-1940 -- Udzih (UT & T) and Diniign (Ut), Dendîig (T) Caribou and Moose -- Fishing -- Descent, Marriage and Training of Young People -- Xaxkeh/Xaskee: Rich Men -- Potlatch -- The Fur Trade -- Upper Tanana Dene and the Episcopal Church -- Nondlêed/Noodlee "Those Who Come and Go" (the Americans).born digitalbooksengCopyright and other restrictions may apply. User is responsible for compliance with all applicable laws. For information about copyright law, please see rights reserved. User is responsible for compliance. Please contact University Press of Colorado at for use information.Tanana Indians -- Alaska -- Tanana River Valley -- Social life and customsTanana Indians -- Social life and customsTanana Indians -- Alaska -- Tanacross Region -- InterviewsIndian elders (Indigenous leaders) -- Alaska -- Tanacross Region -- InterviewsTanana River Valley (Alaska) -- Social life and customsTanana River Valley (Alaska) -- HistoryTanana Indians -- HistoryThe upper Tanana Dene: people of this landTextAccess is limited to the Adams State University, Colorado School of Mines, Colorado State University, Colorado State University Pueblo, Fort Lewis College, Metropolitan State University of Denver, University of Alaska Fairbanks, University of Colorado Boulder, University of Colorado Colorado Springs, University of Colorado Denver, University of Denver, University of Northern Colorado, University of Wyoming, Utah State University, and Western Colorado University members only.