Yevjevich, Vujica M., 1913-, authorBarnes, Albert H., authorHydrology and Water Resources Program, Colorado State University, publisher2019-10-112019-10-111970-12 1970.The final report consists of four previously published Hydrology papers (Colorado State University) for the project "Unsteady free-surface flow in a storm drain."Pt. 1. Solution of problems of unsteady free surface flow in storm drains (Hydrology paper 43) -- Pt. 2. Physical facilities and experiments (Hydrology paper 44) -- Pt. 3. Evaluation of geometric and hydraulic parameters (Hydrology paper 45) -- Pt. 4. Numerical computer methods of solution (Hydrology paper 46).technical reportsengCopyright and other restrictions may apply. User is responsible for compliance with all applicable laws. For information about copyright law, please see -- MathematicsFlood routing through storm drains: final reportText